
I'm New Here
I am sure this is been covered somewhere but I am new to the form and I have an RV 6 which the air vents leak are past the outlets even when they're closed. I was wondering what might others have used to block off the exterior intakes.
The answer to your question really depends on having a bit more info to start with. Which type of vent you have makes a huge difference. If you have the plastic Whisperflo vents the easiest solution is to replace them with good aluminum vents.
PVC pipe cap

I use a couple of these. You don't need the radiator clamp, and I trimmed about 3\4 of an inch off. They fit really nicely over the standard plastic vents.

Roger Nightingale told me about these, so I can't claim credit, but they work really well!
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Link didn?t work for me. Are you talking about these?
Those are available in various sizes at your local Plumbing Supply store. They are typically called "Jim" caps, and come in both 1?" and 2". One of those sizes should work.

Appropriately sized rubber stopper from the hardware store worked for me until I finally unlocked my wallet for the metal ones from Stein.
I installed the Stein ones as replacement to the plastic ones and they close off 100%. No draft. Happy passenger.
On my last RV7 which also had aluminum vent, the air would force the vent slightly open and cold air would leak. I cut a 1? round piece of foam which fit snugly in there and would keep the gate closed and no air leaked. I can?t remember how I cut it, perhaps with the round hole saw running counter clockwise. It would perfectly and it looked attractive. The nice thing was that I could easily remove it if I needed a bit of air in.