I put in a home machined one modelled roughly on the Andair version. The reservoir retains about 1/2 cup, mostly water and is integral with the unit... Works great. Only grey exhaust on the belly... I would NEVER put the yuck it collects back into the engine...

The breather from the engine enters the separator axially like a cyclone, and exits the unit centre top to discharge over the exhaust per Van's instruction...

I empty the cup about 3x per year... YMMV
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I have a Half Raven in my RV-14 taildragger. It's too early to judge how well it does its job, but others who have them generally report good results.

As far as plumbing, I temporarily removed the right-side exhaust and one intake tube in order to install the 90-degree return fitting in the forward, lower, right port on the bottom of the sump. I used breather hose material to connect the breather connection to the separator and the separator overboard to the tunnel. I got a high-quality hose for the sump return line from these guys: http://www.aircraftspecialty.com/kitplanehoses/hoses.html

You may need to buy fittings for the separator itself. I can't remember them exactly but I could dig that information up if you need it.

Give Aircraft Specialty a call or e-mail and tell them what you want to do. They may already have the measurements for you. They did for the RV-14 because I'm not their first customer. Hopefully they have what you need for your RV-14A.
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