
I'm New Here
My 8 has Vans horizontal induction system on an IO-360M1B. After 20 or 30 hours the K&N filter started to look like the center was bent up a little, as if it was being sucked up into the airstream and not down toward the engine. I thought it was unusual and watched it. After the last flight, now about 60 hours total time, the middle of the filter was tented up and the wire screen mesh broken in a line right down the middle. It looks as if the airflow is buffeting the filter, flexing it up and down and the wire mesh and underlying paper element cracked from fatigue. Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it? How? Any ideas?
I had this happen; twice. It took the second time to figure out what was happening. Both times as it turns out I was attempting the dreaded hot start. On the second attempt it was flooded and my technique was poor back then. While starting I had a helacious backfire. That backfire blew the center of the filter element into the shape you describe. I've since perfected the hot start and no longer bend filters :)
Thanks Walter. I don't remember any backfires but I've sure had my share of flooded hot starts. Maybe I don't need to do anything but but keep the mixture lean and the throttle open on start. That would be an easy fix. I've ordered another filter and I'll try again.