
Well Known Member
Air Extravaganza in Union City Tenn

Hi all-

I know that many of you are presently involved in your final preparations for heading to Osh this week but I want to make everyone aware of an aviation event here in Tenn that will be occurring 9/13/09.
They call it an "Aviation Extravaganza" and it is an annual event here in Union City Tenn. I have recently moved here to Union City and have by RV9A hangered at the airport. The aircraft has generated a lot of interest and I have gotten to know a bunch of the local pilots. The airport manager contacted me today and let me know about this event and asked if I thought that it would be possible to get a bunch of "RVers" to fly over here for an RV fly-in and more importantly, to provide a static display of RV's for the general public (I am told that this event is well attended).

There will be static displays, an airshow (we have at least two aerobatic aircraft/pilots on the field-one is a Sukhoi), at least a few warbirds, games, and, of course, FOOD!. The proceeds from the show will go the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation so we have the benefit of this being for a good cause as well.

The facility here is quite good for a small airport. Runway is 5000'. They have just resurfaced the runway, taxiways, and tarmac so all are in good condition (a key point for us nosedraggers!). There should be plenty of parking as a former taxiway that is no longer in use will be available in addition to the large tarmac. The manager has assured me that fuel will be discounted. They really would love to get a bunch of RV's here and other experimentals and homebuilts as well. Again, I know that OSH is on everyone's mind but I thought a headsup for this event was in order.

Anyone who has any interest or suggestions as to how to publisize the event and encourage a good RV turnout please email me. More info will follow as it becomes available. The identifier is KUCY.

Peter K
[email protected]
Hi all-
Now that OSHKOSH has come and gone, I wanted to remind folks that there will be an aviation "happening" here in Union City,TN 9/13/09. I am still waiting for the web site to be updated so I can provide a link. The identifier is KUCY.
I have recently moved here with my 9A which has generated a lot of interest. We have a bunch of pilots here including two areobatic folks one of whom owns a Sukhoi. I have been asked to recruit a group of "RVers" to bring their aircraft here for display. It's a VERY nice runway with plenty of parking. There will be static displays, aerobatic demonstrations, and, of course the usual airshow food. Profits go to the cystic fibrosis foundation so it is for a good cause as well. In addition, if anyone is interested, I am told there will be a limited aerobatic competition here 9/11 and 9/12 (they expect about 20 aircraft).
I would LOVE to meet fellow RV drivers and, of course, it would be a great excuse for a group of us to get together.
I will post a web link as soon as it is available. In the meantime, if anyone wants more info please email me at [email protected].

Peter K
9A 70 hrs
Union City Air Extravaganza

Hi Peter,
Just a suggestion...when you get the updated information, it might be better to post it in the "Regional Forums, Southeast" forum rather than the General Discussion forum. That way it won't get lost in the daily flood of posts.

Peter, I saw where Sam B. had posted to the Tennessee Valley R V Builders Group a note about the fly in.
I plan to come over from Nashville/Lebanon on Sunday the 19th. I hope to see you there.
Post on EAA event page


Can you post it on the EAA event website? There is a possibility of me being able to make it as STL is only an hour away (by RV). Will be interested in times and schedule of events when available.
As soon as I know that the link is current and the brochure is current I will post here and on EAA. I will continue to provide more info as it becomes available.

Peter K
Maybe not

Hi Peter,
Just a suggestion...when you get the updated information, it might be better to post it in the "Regional Forums, Southeast" forum rather than the General Discussion forum. That way it won't get lost in the daily flood of posts.

I never look at the regional area except as a "Today's Post" entry. That's a tough call.

Bob Axsom
Well, then he can post the info to both the regional and the General Discussion fora. That plus listing on the EAA site should publicise it.
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Hey all-
One of several reminders about the air "event" in Union City TN 9/13/09. Been trying to get a link for folks to go to but not available yet. The airport manager did send me some info which I will place below. The airport folks are VERY interested in getting a bunch of experimental aircraft to come visit. Since I have moved here and they have checked out my RV9A they have asked me to see if I could get a group of "RV'ers" to come visit 9/13/09. It's a neat little airport with a smooth runway and plenty of parking. I would really love to meet as many of my fellow builders as I could. So....
if you don't have plans for Sunday 9/13/09 put this on your calendar!
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you need more info. I will continue to place reminders as we closer to the date.

Peter K
9A-75 hrs

Airport Extravaganza Sunday, September 13, 2009 1:00 PM ? 4:00 PM
Everett Stewart Regional Airport, Union City, TN

An Afternoon of Exciting family Entertainment held in conjunction with IAC sanctioned aerobatic competition. Hosted by Everett-Stewart Regional Airport and CornFest!

At approximately 12:00 Noon on Sunday, September 13, 2009, the skies over Union City and Martin will be alive with aerobatic aircraft flying reminding everyone it is AIRPORT EXTRAVANZA TIME AT UCY!

Once again Nikolay Timofeev, a native of Knivcovo, Russia, a 3-time World Aerobatic Champion, a former Russian National Aerobatics Team Member and the top act of OSKOSH AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, will be head-lining our event. Nikolay Timofeev, The Master of the Sky, will demonstrate for us his ?Ballet in the Sky?! National top aerobatic pilots, such as 2006-2008 US World Aerobatics Team Member Mike Rinker and local aerobatic pilots will wow us with their aerobatic skills!

Jay Morris of WENK radio station weekday mornings show will be our Master of Ceremonies and announcer for the aerobatic competition.

There will be vintage aircraft, war-birds and aerobatic aircraft, National Guard, Air Evac Lifeteam and Tennessee Highway Patrol helicopters on static display, sky school for kids (ages 8 and up will actually build and launch their own rockets), rock climbing wall, mini carnival, pony rides and petting zoo, Booths set up by Tennessee Fish and Wildlife, face painting by the Carl Perkins Center, The Boys & Girls Clubs, Reading Railroad, We?re Wireless, and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Peaches the Clown and Nurse Periwinkle, will entertain and dazzle us with their balloon art!

Helicopter tours ($30.00 per person) provided by Helicopters Inc. of Memphis. Schedule a ride with John "Bosco" Bostic in his authentic Texan T-6 or Nikolay Timofeef in his SU-29 for $250.00.

Parking is $1.00 and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be selling concessions. Please help support them, your food purchases go toward funding vital research to develop drugs and to help find a cure for this fatal genetic disease.

For more information contact Priscilla Dean or Jo Ann Speer at (731) 885-1221
Airport Extravaganza Sunday, September 13, 2009 1:00 PM ? 4:00 PM
Everett Stewart Regional Airport, Union City, TN

An Afternoon of Exciting family Entertainment held in conjunction with IAC sanctioned aerobatic competition. Hosted by Everett-Stewart Regional Airport and CornFest!

At approximately 12:00 Noon on Sunday, September 13, 2009, the skies over Union City and Martin will be alive with aerobatic aircraft flying reminding everyone it is AIRPORT EXTRAVANZA TIME AT UCY!

First line says 1-4 pm. Third paragraph says 12 noon.
What are the airport closure times for the airshow? What time is a good time to arrive?
Sorry for the confusion.
The 12 noon thing is just referring to some aircraft that will be flying over the town I think.
My understanding is that anyone who is flying in can come any time. In fact, I believe the airport is trying to arrange for a free pancake breakfast or hot dog/hamburger lunch for pilots who fly in but I am not 100% sure about that.
Incidentally, there will be a fuel discount. Don't know the exact price yet but will post it as soon as I find out.
My suggestion would be to plan to arrive sometime between 11 AM and 12 N BUT...I will have more info as we get a little closer to the date.
Sorry for the ambiguity but I am a slave to the airport administration.

Peter K
9A-75 hrs

Hey Everybody-

Only two weeks until the AIR EXTRAVAGANZA in Union City TN. They finally got a link up: estewartregionalairport.com and hit the "air extravaganza" link.
I spoke with the airport manager and she assured me that there would be a fuel discount. Right now it is $3.24/gal. Hopefully it will be under $3 but I cannot promise that. I've seen a few of the local pilots do their aerobatics and I must say they are pretty good!
I am really hoping that we can get a bunch of RVers to make the scene so if you don't have plans for Sunday 9/13/09 come on over! I'd love to meet you! If I hear anything new I'll post it and as soon as I know the fuel price I'll post that as well. There is still talk about having free food as either a pancake breakfast or an early lunch for those of you who fly in.

Peter K
9A-75 hrs
[email protected]
Brings back memories. I went to college at UT martin and used to fly out of there often to visit my parents in Jackson, TN. The airport looks very nice.

Hi all-
Another update on our aviation "event" in Union City TN 9/13/09.
There will be a FREE, yes, read it, FREE pancake breakfast for those of you who fly in from 10 AM to 12 noon. Of course, we want you to stay for the remainder of the day's activities (see www.estewartregionalairport.com).

I have been trying to obtain a fuel discount for us but the recent fuel delivery price went up so I am not sure how well I will do. I'll keep trying.

A NOTAM will be posted regarding approach to the airport. My suggestion would be to plan to arrive no later than 12 noon.

Looking forward to meeting as many "RVers" as possible! Feel free to email me with questions at [email protected].

Peter K
9A-84 hrs