
Well Known Member
RV brethren,

The Air Capital RVators group out of Wichita, KS is meeting this Saturday, 17 Feb 07, at about 0930, at Benton airfield (1k1) for some pancakes, conversation, and to look at an RV-4 project that is for sale.

If any of you are interested in flying in (and the weather allows it), come on over--it would be great to swap stories with you.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Wichita, KS RVators April Meeting ...

... will be on Saturday, 21 Apr 07 at 0930 at the Newton City/County Airport (EKW). Anyone interested is invited.

Also, from 0730 to 1030, the Wings of Remembrance Fly-In Breakfast will be in action offering "all the pancakes you can poke down your throat with a stick. (However, forks will be provided!)" In addition, there may be a aviation swap meet and it is the FBO's fuel discount weekend.

Blue skies and tailwinds,
