
Well Known Member
Fellow RVators,

We are an informal group of RV flyers, builiders, and enthusiasts established circa 1998. There are no dues, there are no officers, there are no formal rules and regulations. Just an opportunity to get together once a month, look over a project, and hanger fly.

We meet the third Saturday of the month (except December) at 0930. The locations vary, but are somewhere in the Wichita area. The 20 Jan 07, 0930L gathering will be at Hamilton Field (1k2), Derby, KS to look over an RV-6 that is ready for DAR inspection.

If you want more information, or want to be included in the e-mail announement, please e-mail acrvator -at- gmail.com.

Blue skies and tailwinds,


Keywords: Wichita, Air Capital, RVator, ACRV, Kansas
Aug '07 ACRVator Meeting

Where does the time go? I started this thread back in January in attempt to advertise where we were meeting...and here it is August?I'm going do better. :)

So without further ado, the 18 Aug 07 Air Capital RVators meeting will be at 0930 at Newton City/County Airport (KEWK) http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK in the FBOs air-conditioned (it?s hot around here lately!) conference room.

Curtis M. is going to teach us a bit about making electrical connections. So, if you have some striping, crimping, or other electrical tools, please bring them by for us to try out.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Sep '07 Air Capital RVators Group

The 15 Sep 07 Air Capital RVators meeting will be at 1700 at Randy's house at the Cherokee Strip (18KS /122.9). You'll probably see the cars and airplanes around, but generally speaking, Randy's house is in the north-west part of the airpark.

It's a potluck dinner, so bring a side dish or desert to pass.

Randy has a flying 8A and a 9A that he's about to start the finishing kit.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Oct '07 Air Capital RVators Group

The 20 Oct 07 Air Capital RVators meeting will be at 0930 at the Newton City/County Airport (EWK).

There will also be a pancake breakfast from 0700-1000 supporting the Wings of Remembrance and it's fuel discount weekend.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Nov '07 Air Capital RVators Meeting

Fellow RVators,

Well, the sale of Hamilton Air Patch to a fourplex senior-living-style housing developer unfortunately happened on 2 Nov 07 ending 55+ years of operation. The certified letter I received from the new owners stated that airport operations will cease on 3 Feb 08. So being that we don't have a December RVators meeting, and I'll be out of the country Jan-Mar '08, I figured it would be nice to have an RVators meeting there one last time. I don't know exactly which hanger we will be in...there never were that many there and now there are even less. So take a drive down the gravel road and look for a C-140 or RV-6 parked outside and smell for some coffee; you'll be bound to find us. The runway is in good shape, and the traffic feq is 122.9. If you're driving in, use caution in the Rock Rd construction zone. If you can, to avoid the construction all together, you might want to consider taking Greenwich to 71st, then heading back west a bit to the airfield. See you this Saturday. :)

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Jan '08 Air Capital RVators Meeting

Fellow RVators,

Happy New Year!

What do these numbers have in common? 1/19, 2/16, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 8/16, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15 Well these are the dates (mm/dd) of our RVator meeting in 2008. If you are like me and can't remember that much, it's easy, our meeting is the third Saturday of every month (excluding December).

On the topic of monthly meetings, last year, after a very good breakfast at the Aldag's one Saturday morning, Dave passed the coordinating responsibilites to me along with a year's worth of volunteers to host these meetings. While we didn't stick to the schedule exactly, it was very nice having a plan to start with. So where am I going with this you ask? Well, it's a new year and I'm out of pre-coordinated meetings. I have a couple that are being tee'd up, but if you would like to host a meeting please let me know.

So without further ado, the Saturday, 19 Jan 08 RVator's meeting will be at 0930 at the Jabarra airport in the most south-west corporate hangar on the field. There isn't a hangar number per se, but if you turn in off of Webb road at the southern most entrance near the Col Jabarra statue, and keep the yoke angled to the right, you can't miss it. Please see attached map for a pictorial view.

Mr. Norman M. is hosting this event and is part of a team working on a 7A (if I remember correctly) that is in the 'wiring up' stage. Now if you don't recognize Norman's name, no worries you aren't alone. See, Norman was flying over the Butler Airpartk in a Cessna a couple months back when he spotted Abe's RV-6 parked on the ground while a friend and I were chatting with Jim S. He just had to stop in to check it out and as they say, the rest is history. So since Norman is jumping in head-first with hosting a meeting before even attending one, please be sure to introduce yourself and let him know your involvement with RVs.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

April '08 Air Capital RVators Meeting

Fellow RVators,

This coming Saturday, 19 Apr 08, is going to be really fun -- lots of stuff going on at the Newton Airport (KEWK).

First, the Wings of Remebrance is hosing a pancake breakfast from 0730-1030 rain or shine. The suggested $5 donation goes to a great cause.

Next, the EAA Jayhawk Chapter 88 is hosting a Young Eagle's event from 0900-1200. The pilots briefing is promptly at 0900 for just a few minutes. Steve C., the Young Eagle Coordinator, recently took a local radio station host for a flight and because of the advertising, expects to have a really good turn out. In his own words, 'We are going to need a boatload of pilots!' So if you are a national EAA member, and have an airworthy and insured aircraft, come on out and support this great event.

Third, from 0930-??? we'll have our RVators gathering. No specific topic in mind per se, but with the good weather and the crosswinds we've recently had; I'm sure there are some good stories out there. If nothing else, I'll share some things I've recently learned while working on my fuel tanks. :)

Dave A. met a gentleman the other day who owns a grass strip near Roseburg, OR (southwest corner). He invited to drop in anytime, and to camp if we wanted. He's located about 3 miles SW of the Roseburg airport (RBG). He was enthusiastic about some one coming in to stay for a while. He owns an L-4 and a Comanche. His strip is called Felt Field (5S1). If someone wants to make a homecoming trip to Van's, or just wants to make an Oregon trip; this would be a interesting stop.

Also, there is a house/hangar for sale at one of the Valley Center grass strips. If you were intersted in living with your airplane just steps away, please check this out.

See you on Saturday. Fly safe.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

Apr '10 Air Capital RVator Gathering

Fellow RVators, The next gathering is Saturday 17 Apr 10, 0930L, in East Wichita. We'll meet at Steve's shop to check out his RV-8A. Please e-mail [email protected] for directions as I don't want to post his address for the world to see. Fly safe! -Jim
May '10 Air Capital RVators Gathering

Fellow RVators, The next gathering is Saturday 15 May 10, 0930L, at Cook Airfiled just outside of Wichita, KS. We'll meet at Mike's hangar/house to check out his RV-12. Please e-mail [email protected] for directions as I don't want to post his address for the world to see. Fly safe! -Jim
Jun '10 Air Capital RVators Gathering

Fellow RVators, The next gathering is Saturday, June 19th at 0930L at Stearman Field, Benton, KS (1K1). The long-range forecast looks good, so it should be a great day to fly (or drive) in. Fly safe! -Jim
Wichita KS Pitts driver looking for RV8 access/partner

Hello Air Capital RVators,

I am looking for a partnership or access to an RV8 in or around the Wichita KS area. I am pvt pilot with instrument rating and currently flying a Pitts S-1S out of Stearman field (Benton). I would use the RV8 for some VFR XC pleasure flying with my father. Cannot do this with my 1-seat Pitts!

Please reply here or email [email protected].

Paul Klusman

Keywords: Wichita, Air Capital, RVator, ACRV, Kansas
Hello Air Capital RVators,

I am looking for a partnership or access to an RV8 in or around the Wichita KS area. I am pvt pilot with instrument rating and currently flying a Pitts S-1S out of Stearman field (Benton). I would use the RV8 for some VFR XC pleasure flying with my father. Cannot do this with my 1-seat Pitts!

Please reply here or email [email protected].

Paul Klusman

Keywords: Wichita, Air Capital, RVator, ACRV, Kansas

Paul, sent you an email. I'm interested in a partnership and actually live on Stearman Field--surprised we haven't met yet. Is this group still meeting every month in Wichita?