
Active Member
Anybody have a copy of AIR 5367 (Machining of Epoxy and Polyester Matrix Thermosetting Composite Structures) they can email me or point me to the url? I haven't been able to locate it online. Thanks!

AIR 5367

Looks like this is under the jurisdiction of SAE. See their committee
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
at this URL

Go down to the bottom left hand column and click CACRC Committed Information.

In the .PDF that pops up on Page 9 it looks like AIR 5367 is still in the committee stage (ie. not released)
Hi Terry
Yup, I saw that too. There are a number of posts around the internet that lead me to believe the standard is out, at least in draft form, because people are referring to specific pages. The committee has been active since 2006 so they have something, just need to find the draft.

Thank you for the tip, I sent an email to Keely. It will be interesting to see what he says. :)

Unfortunately, the email bounced back. I did find an interesting sequence of photos on fiberglass repair of a glider wing that shows how to go about creating a scarf joint, one of the items I thought might be in the AIR 5637. It looks like the pros judge the scarf joint taper by the length of each ply in the scarf- the plys are plainly visible, at least in carbon fiber. They are also very aggressive in using a power circular sander, not messing around with a sanding block.