Greetings, my inspector neighbor took a look at my fuse before I buttoned it up and was concerned that the aileron tubes that pass over the electric fuel pump actually touch the pump at full aileron deflection. A very light touch. I tried to find another post concerning this but could not. I hope I have not made a mistake. Has anyone else encountered this concern. I do not plan to fly for extended periods of time at full aileron deflection so I do not consider it a significant problem! Someone let me know if they had simular close clearance. Jeff Willde in Geneva Florida
I have the same close clearance. The aileron tube just touches the pump at full right deflection (max aileron deflection is not affected by this). My inspector had no problems with it. I shifted the pump max to the left.
Page 32-06

My flaperon pushrods clear the fuel pump by about 1/8". If the length of the pushrods is shorter than 38 3/4" as shown on 32-06 figure 1, then that will make the pushrods closer to the fuel pump. The pushrods could be lengthened if page 32-10 has not been completed yet. I do not think that it will be a problem if the pushrod contacts the fuel pump as long as it does not rub. Opposing viewpoints are welcome.
Joe Gores
I adjusted the fuel pump in the elongated mounting holes so that the contact is equal on both sides. There is still zero clearance but no pressure at the contact point. I do believe that any adjustment to the length of the tubes would effect my aileron adjustment as the wings have been fitted. Since the airplane will infrequently see full aileron deflection I am OK with this. My main conceren was that 1.I might have done something wrong and tell my inspector that this was something that other builders had experienced.
I adjusted the fuel pump in the elongated mounting holes so that the contact is equal on both sides. There is still zero clearance but no pressure at the contact point. I do believe that any adjustment to the length of the tubes would effect my aileron adjustment as the wings have been fitted. Since the airplane will infrequently see full aileron deflection I am OK with this. My main conceren was that 1.I might have done something wrong and tell my inspector that this was something that other builders had experienced.

If the push rods are made and adjusted to the correct length, they should not be contacting the fuel pump (1/8 " clearance is about nominal).
When checking your control system rigging per the P.A.P., if your flaperons do not have the prescribed amount of droop, making adjustments (lengthening the push rods) or correct that will also improve the push rod to fuel pump clearance.

Push rods that are slightly shorter from what is intended will also cause the flaperon throw differential to be slightly off because of the resultant change the neutral position angle of the torque tube arms.
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I haven't made the final rigging adjustments. I will check aileron droop the next time I have the wings on. My DAR lives up the street and I wanted him to look at the rear of the fuse before I buttoned it up. I hope I need the droop. Thanks for your reply. Jeff