A couple more unrelated questions from a first-time builder. (I've got a little planning and "read-ahead" time while waiting on my wing kit to ship.)

First, about aileron trim: I gather there is no system for roll trim included at all as part of the kit, but I do see an electric trim option (EA-10) in the parts store. Am I understanding correctly that the 14 has only those two options--electric or nothing? And that of course leads to the natural question of "How necessary or useful is the roll trim on a 14?" I'm quite a load at 250 lbs. and expect to spend a lot of solo time in the plane, so I'm thinking I might like to have the option to counteract my bulk in some fashion.
What about it?

Second, about external cabin step(s): I'm building a taildragger, so I assume entry will be easier than the tri-gear without a step, but the same question applies. Do you folks with taildraggers find a step (or steps) to be helpful or necessary, especially if there are any 14 taildraggers reading this.

As always, thanks for your opinions and suggestions.

I am about 6’4 “ and find the steps very useful on my taildragger. I am glad I installed them during the build.

I use the electric aileron trim and am glad I have it, although I don’t change it Very often.

I’m 6’3” and always use the step. Most people who have flown with me have needed the step. Maybe all. It seemed relatively expensive to add them, but it is cheap long-term insurance against flaps damage.

My two cents, glad I have both aileron trim and steps. 160+ hours and still enjoying the grin.
There are two reasons to get aileron trim. I highly recommend it.

1. Easier to trim for hands-off flying when hand-flying. Easy to compensate for changes in lateral balance with passenger or as fuel burns out of your tanks.

2. It can be controlled by autopilot servo (Garmin for sure, Dynon I think but not sure) to reduce workload on the autopilot.

It's easy to install with wings off, not so easy wings on. Someone posted link in another thread in the past about a tool that makes it easier to stretch the springs which is the hardest part of the install. Be sure to adjust the angle of the trim servo arm to keep springs clear of the aileron control rod (this will make sense when you install the kit). I notice you're pretty close to me - PM me if I can ever give you any tips in person or help with your build.
I think roll trim is a must after flying an RV6 for 15 years without and then 5 with. Sure, you could fly without it but with it, you could actually let go of the stick for a couple of seconds.

I thought that it would be easy to install the roll trim while the wing was still in the cradle. I found that to be true except getting that last roll trim spring on was easier with the wing installed. It required lying on my back with a foot in an access hole and pulling. I put a length of safety wire on the end loop of the spring for that pull.

I hadn’t heard of a tool for that and will go off searching just in case. That last spring is a challenge.

I also think that steps are a must have. The RV14 stands tall and getting on and off is a challenge.
I have the roll trim installed, but not hooked up. I think I will remove it as I don't find it necessary.

I didn't install the steps and wish I had. At minimum install a step on the passenger side. Getting in and out is not that easy and I am 6'3. In and around the hangar I use a stool.
Optional or Standard

Our QB wings are ordered but not shipped yet. Is the aileron trim an option? The only option I saw on the wing was strobe/position lights.