
I'm New Here
I just purchased a kit in progress (9A) which does not have aileron trim. I will have an autopilot. Does anyone have any thoughts about the necessity of having aileron trim on a 9A. I do plan on fairly long trips.
Thanks, Harmon

All kits that I know of have aileron trim, by default you get manual trim but there is an option for electric. About the only advantage of electric is that you can put the trim control buttons in your stick grip (will also need a Ray Allan relay deck or equivilant) as opposed to reaching down next to your leg to twist a lever to trim the ailerons. The aileron trim, manual or electric only puts a spring tension bias on the control stick to achieve an aileron balance.
aileron trim

I would add the manuel trim kit that Vans sells. As well balanced as the 9 is, it only takes a small imbalance to cause the plane to roll, such as burning off fuel, flying solo or with passenger. And, it makes flying cross country more enjoyable. Easy to install, the kit cost is very reasonable, and it works well.:)
Definitely put in trim. I have electric trim for both. If I had it to do over again, I'd do manual for both. It's simpler, and works even in power failure.

I installed the manual roll trim in my -6 when it first became available. Later, I removed it because it just didn't seem to be necessary. Then I began to miss it. It's not totally necessary, but it's nice to have and weighs practically nothing.
BTW, It should have nothing to do with whether or not you have an A/P. The A/P will not be on all the time, and even when it is, you should not depend on it for trim.