Future RV 9 Flyer

Active Member
Wings are almost done,only bottom skins and wing tips left.Way past time to order the fuselage but I have question about the aileron trim option.I was wondering if I went with electric trim will the autopilot serveo also work with the electric trim.Is aileron trim even needed in the 9?Thanks in advance,Dave
Wings are almost done,only bottom skins and wing tips left.Way past time to order the fuselage but I have question about the aileron trim option.I was wondering if I went with electric trim will the autopilot serveo also work with the electric trim.Is aileron trim even needed in the 9?Thanks in advance,Dave

Aileron trim is definitely required on the RV9. If I were to do it again, I'd use electric trim.

The advantage of electric trim is the ability to provide auto-trim with autopilots. For example, the Dynon SkyView when used with the MakerPlane M-PWR-2AT auto-trim controller provides hands-off operation even during speed changes.

Also, when flying formation, electric trim switches on the stick are very useful. Not so important for roll, but valuable for pitch.
Aileron trim is definitely needed in the Nine, and the standard between-the-seats friction version is marginal at best. I would do something different if building again.
manual trim

I had the manual trim between the seats on the 6 and it was ok but sometimes it would get hit when moving around. I may go electric on the -9 this time.
I've got electric elevator trim, but manual aileron trim. As I build, I keep working the friction block in and cinching the bolt down, so hopefully by the time I'm flying it'll hold a setting nicely.
Manual for both on my -9 and I'm OK with it. My only complaint is the pitch trim cable takes up one hole through the spars.
I finally caved and purchased the electric elevator trim for my 9A. I will be removing the cable and installing wires and servo shortly. I didn't thing I needed either, but with the panel I chose, I can see the advantage of electric trim for both axis.

The mechanics of the manual aileron trim system look a bit flaky. When I put it In reading the description on the Vans site, it sounds like they keep the same system? My question is if the kit Vans sells is the best deal out there. Has anyone found another supplier with a better price or better system?

I installed electric elevator trim but kept the manual aileron trim - and then a couple weeks ago MakerPlane came out with the auto-trim box that will work with my Skyview autopilot and will auto-trim both the elevator and the aileron.

So I did the only thing that made sense - I ordered the autotrim AND the electric aileron trim, of course!
What about retrofitting the -9A with electric aileron trim? Thoughts? I didn't build my -9A so I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here.
It's quite easy - I had mine completely set up for manual, and retrofitted it afterward, it's not a big hill to climb. There is no work to do in the aileron, you just put the trim servo in the center between the sticks below the floor pan, it takes the place of the manual and eliminates the manual knob sticking upward. Pulling the wires will be the hardest part.
I would highly recommend a trim controller. I did not put one in and the trim is extremely sensitive. The difference between being nose up and nose down for me is touching the button for less than a second and being lucky. It's driving me a little crazy. I'm going to have to figure out how to put some sort of controller or something in line to slow down the response of the trim motor, which is the Ray Allen one.
David I added electric trims to my RV9. If you have manual aileron trim already making it electric is a piece of cake as most of the hardware is already installed. If the builder did not install aileron trim just order the kit from Vans and the appropriate servo. The Vans instructions are very good and its a fairly easy install. The suggestion to use a trim controller is right on also. I used the Dynon autopilot control module connected to the Skyview for the auto trim function and also connected my Tosten grips. This makes for a super nice system as the plane flys itself from departure to approach. No pilot needed!!! LoL Well I guess someone has to be along to talk on the radio.