andrew phillips

Well Known Member
Looking through the old threads I did not really come upon a concise answer. It seems to me that the ailerons have a total amount of travel, some of it up and some down. If for example they go 25 degrees up and 15 degrees down then they have a total of 40 degrees of movement. Now if you wanted to get more deflection only in the downward direction it seems that you cant really do this. I am asking because I can't meet the minimum in down deflection and I can't see how to fix this.
The Down deflection limit is controlled by the opposite side up aileron stop and vice-versa. If it is one side that you can't get the minimum down this could be adjusted via the opposite aileron stop, however this will also increase the opposite aileron upward movement.

One thing to check is the rigging overall. That both ailerons are centered with the supplied gage and that with the sticks centered both ailerons are neutral. I used DELRIN stops on my ailerons which work great (I believe they are 5/8" OD). This gave me UP 30 on both sides and DOWN 16 on the left and DOWN 17 on the right.
Hope this Helps