
I'm New Here
Hi all,

This is my first time posting here. I've hit a question where I'd like insight beyond what I find in the instructions or on blogs I've seen.

I'm attaching the ailerons to my RV-8 wings. Drawing 13A, section B-B shows a stack of washers (AN960-10, AN960-10L, AN960-10) between the outboard aileron mount point and the outboard side of the bracket on the aileron. Drawing 9A shows a 1/4" gap between the outboard edge of the aileron and the wing edge of outboard edge of the top/bottom skin.

With the washers as called for by Vans I get almost .36" of gap. I just swapped the -10L for a 3rd -10 washer (putting the 10L between the inboard side of the brackets, and I get .325" (3/8").

But as I think about it, I think I would rather have the .064" spacing on the inboard side (instead of .032") to give a little more room should things be flexing under G load (say during aerobatics), and live with a larger than spec gap between the wingtip and the aileron. I'd hate to have the ailerons start to bind up under g-load in the air because I adjusted the spacing for aesthetic reasons...

Or am I missing something altogether, and I need to figure out where the 1/8" has gone?


It's been a while but this is the best I remember.

I think the variance you might be seeing is likely in the outboard hinge. When you set the the aileron location via the shim stack and the outboard hinge, the hinge is driving that bus. I remember fighting the alignment of that hinge a little. The hinge cantilevers a fair distance rearward off the spar and mine wanted to pull inboard just a little. I would shim a little to place the aileron close to the plan location. I would also be inclined to adjust the shims such that the aileron brackets do not impose side loads on the hinges.

I think the clearance at the tip will be established by trimming the tip. I don't remember what the drawing calls for with regard to aileron/tip gap, but I think I set mine at 1/4" (+ or - .005). Ok, I made up the .005 part :D

I doubt the aileron location, + or - 3/32 makes any difference.