
Well Known Member
I'm building an F4 (Rocket lite) with a "standard" RV-4 wing. I've heard side discussions about the aileron skins being updated to a thicker gage. The skins I have are 016. I've seen an RV-8 drawing but it only references a pre-punched part/part number. No material dims.

What are my current risks as is?
Should I go ahead and plan on reskinning? If so, at what thickness?

One step forward. Two steps back. Story of my build life. Thx.
Updating Aileron Skin Thickness

I think you will find Van's very reluctant to make "special" skins other than what is called out in the plans. 30 years ago they would (I have a set), but now - not so much. I tried to get them to make me a set of .020" aileron skins for an RV3 I am currently building - answer was "We don't do that anymore."

Good Luck - maybe an "aftermarket" manufacturer?


HR II S/N 002
Thanks to all

I suppose the 016s are guaranteed to crack?

Can probably form one myself if:
I can borrow the long brake at the FBO
I get enough 020 to ruin a couple first

Any other info, please forward along. Thx.
RV8 quick build ailerons

Just buy a set of RV8 quick build ailerons ....they come fully assembled and are same dimensions as RV4 ...
Just buy a set of RV8 quick build ailerons ....they come fully assembled and are same dimensions as RV4 ...

This. Or -8 parts and build em up. I went from .016 RV-4 Ailerons to .020 skinned -8 Ailerons because of skin compression at higher speeds. Yes it's real and yes it made it fly like a new airplane.

This. Or -8 parts and build em up. I went from .016 RV-4 Ailerons to .020 skinned -8 Ailerons because of skin compression at higher speeds. Yes it's real and yes it made it fly like a new airplane.

Thanks to all. Here is what I'm afraid of.

These are all slow build construction. If I purchase -8 parts (pre-punched), worry the ailerons will then be out of plane with the flaps. Or maybe the trailing edges won't align, etc.

I'd like to get a ride in this #$%@! thing before I die.
Not a worry

Ailerons and flaps will be fine as you would also need to buy some of the mounting brackets ( part number escapes me ) ...they come predrilled and blank if the predrilled isn't bang on can drill your own . Takes a bit of work and but covered in several posts on VAF
Thanks to all. Here is what I'm afraid of.

These are all slow build construction. If I purchase -8 parts (pre-punched), worry the ailerons will then be out of plane with the flaps. Or maybe the trailing edges won't align, etc.


Even when you build the pre-punched RVs, there is no guarantee the flap and aileron edges are aligned perfectly.