I?ve noticed after dimpling the aileron spar that it created that ever so slight bow so when I cleco the skin on it pillows slightly when clecoing the last holes. I?m afraid that will affect the overall outcome. Anyone else had to deal with that? Thanks.
That naturally happens to any of the long aluminum pieces you dimple all the same direction I believe. Once you have everything cleco'd on it should be straightened out. Have a pic of the pillowing?
Worked the aileron today. As you can see the bottom skin pillows up from one end to the other but as you cleco the last 10 inches of the holes don't exactly line up. Put a straight edge on the spar as I was intially thinking it warped from dimpling. It was fairly straight. I was curious if the skin's holes were punched wrong so grabbed the other skin and it clecos up almost perfect. Hmmmm. Wonder if this one was missed drilled by Vans. Attempting to post pictures for the first time. Hope it works. :cool:



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Worked the aileron today. As you can see the bottom skin pillows up from one end to the other but as you cleco the last 10 inches of the holes don't exactly line up. Put a straight edge on the spar as I was intially thinking it warped from dimpling. It was fairly straight. I was curious if the skin's holes were punched wrong so grabbed the other skin and it clecos up almost perfect. Hmmmm. Wonder if this one was missed drilled by Vans. Attempting to post pictures for the first time. Hope it works. :cool:




Obviously, something is seriously amiss there. That's so far off that I'm amazed it wasn't noticed at the factory prior to shipment. Show the pics to Van's first thing tomorrow and let them send you a new skin.
I'm guessing a skin is mismarked by the factory or the skin in question was dimpled on the wrong side. See if it will cleco in place if you flip it over.
I noticed the same issue. It happens from dimpling. I think the skin is getting stretched just a hair.

I clamped everything together and if I use a 90 Deg straight clamped just above the clecos it comes out nice and straight. It keeps that shape even if I remove the straight edge after.

For the gluing part of the trailing edge I use one straight edge on either side as I glue/clamp it together then let the glue dry. Should be fine.
I continued to work on it and found the nose skin puts an enormous amount of twist into the assembly. When I just put the skins on it seemed fine so I pressed on and it looks like it will be ok. Just started to rivet the left aileron. Didn’t have any issues with the flaps and those were fairly similar.