
Well Known Member
I am having a dificult time getting the skins to lay flat on the aileron spar. The spar is machine countersunk and the nose skin and main skins are dimpled. The machined countersink doesn't seem deep enough to let the skins lay flat on it. I left a very small straight wall (.005-.010) inside the hole and would have to make the countersink go all the way through the spar which would enlarge the hole some. I know this is not good practice but I need the skins to lay flat too. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you deal with it?

Jim Wright RV-9A wings Arkansas

Make a gauge using the same thickness of the nose skin. (.016?) Dimple the gauge and test the countersink. It should fit flush. Yes, you may open the hole a little more than it should be but according to Van ( it says it in the manual) that's acceptable.

countersink the main skin and spar together

This might not help you now, but if you put the main skin on the spar and countersink them both together and THEN put the dimpled nose skin in this hole it works much better.

See the bottom of this page.

Thanks for the help. I like the idea of countersinking the skin and spar together. I will do that on the right aileron and flaps. I prosealed the left aileron trailing edge today so it's back to riveting the wing skins.

Jim RV-9A wings 90919 Arkansas
It's a bit late for you, but I think I dimpled the outside skin, then countersunk the inside skin and spar together. This gave enough material to countersink.

Vern Little