pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin’ guys.,
I’m to the point of installing the aileron push/pull rods in my -12.
How in the h*** do you attach them to the bottom of the control sticks? There’s no room for a man’s hands!!…aargh…😳

Buy more tools, make special tools, hire a dainty person, or grab a niece, nephew, grandchild, or neighborhood kid. :p
And apparently, lots of cursing also helps, because I was finally able to do it with my large hands. :rolleyes:
I noticed your post and was interested to see the responses as I wasn’t sure how I was going to accomplish it myself. Just today, I tried attaching the push rods to the control sticks first and then seeing if they can be manoeuvred into place…..and they can! It will take a few tries, different orientations and angles but you can do it…hard to explain but you kind of have to jackknife it through the lightening hole. Must be easier than trying to get the washers and nut in place in situ. Good luck!
I have big ham fists and I didn't find the pushrods that hard to get on the sticks. I even did this a few times because I changed over to the new control sticks. I also got them reversed when re-installing so I had to re-install twice. There is an angle that works, just keep reaching. Some thin CA glue to hold the shims in place makes it a little easier.

just wait until you try to do those heater vents!
I have had good luck using hemostats, you can get them at Harbor Freight either straight or bent plus using grease or glue to add washers or nuts, I've never been defeated but it takes patience.
Thanks guys

I have had good luck using hemostats, you can get them at Harbor Freight either straight or bent plus using grease or glue to add washers or nuts, I've never been defeated but it takes patience.

You’d think that at my age, patience would be a given….wrong….😳. Seems to be dwindling but thanks for the responses…

I installed my control sticks just a couple of weeks ago. I have found this "washer wrench" set to be invaluable.


I bought my RV12 kit from a builder who had started it and he included lots of tools, including the above. I wish I had this set when I built my first airplane. I tried all kinds of things including tape, glue, grease and hemostats for holding washers into place. But my control stick install took just a few minutes. I was able to fairly easily slide them into place.
