Joe Casey

I am ready to cut the aileron pushrods, but cannot find a measurement to cut the rod .. there is a length on dwg 15 for Heim center to center (27 1/8 inch), but after much study, I cannot find the length for the rod alone... am I missing something?
I'm pretty sure that length is there somewhere. However, I would suggest (strongly), don't cut one end until you are ready to final rig it with the wings and ailerons on. I sure wished I had another 3/16" when THE time came. It shouldn't be any problem to finish one end way later in the game at final assembly.
I'm getting ready to build my second set (due to a welding mishap). I found the plans to be right on scale and took the total measurement and subtracted the length of the bearing/rod end combination to come-up with the length of the push rod. Although, I did add about 3/16" to my final measurment (as mentioned by Scott).
I cut mine longer originally, having seen something about them being slightly on the short side. I think I cut the main rods about 3/16" longer than the drawings suggest and the shorter ones about 1/16" more. This was true for the elevator pushrods as well. Like Scott, I think the measurements are there somewhere but am not at home to check. Good luck.
push rod lenght

Don't cut them yet, do one end and when you are putting the wings on and
figure out how far you want the bearings to engage then and only then do you need to cut them.. don't get in a hurry on this step, whats the rush, I ended up buying new ones because I cut them to plans and the bearings didn't engage as far enough for me to feel confortable.. if you are installing the wings now then you can figure out how much longer to make them than than the plans call for..
