
Well Known Member
Rv-10 page 23-3 calls for inserting the an490-ht8p threaded rod end into each of the four ends of the bellcrank/aileron pushrod. Even with lube (and prior to the added thickness of priming), the rod ends aren't inserting into the tubes unless I take a mallet to them.

Did anyone else find they had to grind down the cylindrical part (or the inside of the pushod) of the threaded rod to get it to fit inside? Hoping to avoid this but I'm not seeing any other way.

Tom H.
You may have some burrs inside the steel tube. Sand the inside LIGHTLY with a Dremel tool and you should be OK.
What I did.

Mine had to be cleaned inside because the ends were slightly burred and irregular after being cut.

I uses a fine round file about 1/4 of 5/16 in diameter and just ran it back and forth to clean the inside area.

They are supposed to be a snug fit, but you should not have to remove any of the rod end. I did need to help them go in with some light tapping, I set the threaded in the right size long socket to protect the threads and then tapped on the tubing with a piece of hardwood between the hammer and the tubing.:cool:

For a lot of info on this application see

or search "Aileron Pushrod"