Well Known Member
I'd like mine welded after messing up the rivets on my previous attempt. I riveted them on the 14 but on the 8 I'm finding it tough.

What sort of shop should I look for to do the weld? A machine shop, ???? I don't know my way around Colorado Springs much yet.
Contact your local EAA chapter. They likely have a member who welds or they know someone who does.
I'd like mine welded after messing up the rivets on my previous attempt. I riveted them on the 14 but on the 8 I'm finding it tough.

What sort of shop should I look for to do the weld? A machine shop, ???? I don't know my way around Colorado Springs much yet.

Hinrichsen & Son Welding Shop
420 Juanita St. Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 632-7750

Just don't say it's an airplane part -- some folks are funny that way...
If the tube or end fitting are not 6061 series aluminum do not weld

Pretty sure teh pushrods he's talking about are the little ones that go from the wing bell cranks to the aileron. Is so, they are steel and Vans specifically says in the instructions that you can weld them instead of rivet if you so choose.

OP- After screwing these up once, I found it easier to get a good result riveting by filling the cavity in the threaded rod end up with JB weld before cross drilling. This prevented those super long rivets (-12?) from bending in the middle while I was trying to get them set.
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I also "cross drilled" and messed it all up. It seems obvious, but isn't the way to go. Measure the circumference of the tube with painter's tape, and then divide by 6 and only drill halfway through. Not hard, really, but that's after ordering a second set of tubes and end fittings.