
Well Known Member
Ok guys, I just finnished my left aileron and from the leading edge to the bottom of the spar the skin is oil canned inward tword the center of the aileron. Did this happen to anyone else? The only thing that I can think of is when I drilled the ballance pipe to the skin it must have moved a little bit and when I riveted it in place it bowed. What do you guys think???
I just took a closer look at the aileron and it looks like the bottom spar flange might be under bent. also my rear main wing spar top flange is underbent. Anyone have these issues?
I had a similar problem

On my -7A (same wing as your -8), I found that the top flange of the rear wing spar was slightly underbent. I didn't have any troubles in the aileron area because the aileron gap fairing just pulled the skin into position, but where the flaps mount, the skin was flared up slightly. So I made a tool:


That I could clamp on the spar and tweak it down slightly. I just worked my way along the spar a little bit at a time:


...and it came out great.


FYI, you're welcome to borrow the tool for the cost of shipping in both directions. :)

Good luck!

I just took a closer look at the aileron and it looks like the bottom spar flange might be under bent. also my rear main wing spar top flange is underbent. Anyone have these issues?

I had the same problem on my 6 ailerons.

Fortunately:cool: I caught it before riveting by doing a 100% cleco mock up inspection and measured for twist. (was ok) That is when I caught the visual detail about the spar being ever so slightly under bent.

Best wishes, it can be fixed.