
Well Known Member
I have some slight aileron oil canning on my left aileron around the second stiffener at the tip. The right one is fine. Is there any way to get rid of it once riveted or should just move on?
I take it I'm the only one who has this issue? I did send a email to Van's tech support and will report what they say.
I got a response from Vans. I plan to move on since its real slight.

"I would leave it alone and continue on. If it is real bad then you might work on the outer rib with some seaming pliers. I would not bother with it.
we have some on our plane here at Vans."
My left wing (no bottom skins) is in my living room with the aileron attached and in position. Occassionally, I'll hear it make an "oil can" sound but can't find where it's coming from (and since I don't know when it's going to make the sound I can't sit in front of it and listen for the location). Nothing that's a hazard to flight so I've decided not to drive myself crazy over it. (Perhaps it's merely the soul of my aircraft thanking me for building her...:rolleyes: )