
When this Nose Skin is clecoed to the A-1003-1L Spar on one edge the other edge needs to be flexed 3-1/2" to meet the spar. This can easily be done but requires significant force to do it. I don't know what this stress will do to the final assembled shape because this is as far as I have gone. Is this normal? What have others seen here?



I just built the ailerons for my -10 and the assembly pressures were the same.

The uneducated builder in me didn’t even think twice about squeezing the parts together.
I haven't built this part yet, but my tech advisor was looking at my elevator leading edges and suggested I work them more to reduce force for alignment. Basically said I can get it closer, and I'm already like within about a half inch, so that would suggest to work the bend closer and tighter. Just passing along info based on other parts though.
I did not like that fit so I put that piece on my work bench overhang and laid a strip of plywood over it and used clamps to slowly brake it to a tighter fit. Lots of vinyl tape to hold everything in position and protect the skin. If you don’t work it closer you could get pillowing between the rivets.
It's basically normal, but these above ideas to lessen the force is a good idea. Keep checking the alignment of the two end ribs while constructing or you'll wind up with a twist on this part!
Van's reply

I asked Van's Builder Support about this in an email and got this reply.

This is something you should just push down and cleco, then rivet. Trying to bend would likely not end up being evenly distributed and possibly cause some wrinkling.


It is easy enough to do what Sterling says. So that's what I'll do. Don't want to risk doing damage when the factory experts say it is not necessary.