
I'm New Here
With the fuel tank inside the cabin behind the passenger position would this cause much of a weight imbalance condition? Since you don't have an aileron trim type device (since it has a flaperon) when you have full fuel and a "full" passenger (210lbs) would this cause an out of trim condition? Thinking of a long cross country flight where you would have to continue to input a correction manually might get tiresome after a while.

First, is this even an issue in real world flying to be concerned about? Is there any kind of trim device for flaperons?

-12 wannabe
With the fuel tank inside the cabin behind the passenger position would this cause much of a weight imbalance condition? Since you don't have an aileron trim type device (since it has a flaperon) when you have full fuel and a "full" passenger (210lbs) would this cause an out of trim condition? Thinking of a long cross country flight where you would have to continue to input a correction manually might get tiresome after a while.

First, is this even an issue in real world flying to be concerned about? Is there any kind of trim device for flaperons?

-12 wannabe

When I flew with Van in the POC 12, the plane was a bit out of aileron (flaperon) trim with the right wing heavy, but the controls were so light that I did not even notice. I only knew that it was out of trim because I let go of the stick to see if I was in trim for the cruise speed. It would be very easy to put in a trim system like the 7, with opposing springs.
"It would be very easy to put in a trim system like the 7, with opposing springs."

I am having trouble understanding LSA procedures.
Also, since the fuselage kit isn't finished, this might not
even be an issue. If trim is desired and not on Van's RV-12,
would one install the flaperon trim, remove it for the certification
and then reinstall it?
I hope it is that easy,
Flaperon trim

I am having trouble understanding LSA procedures.
Also, since the fuselage kit isn't finished, this might not
even be an issue. If trim is desired and not on Van's RV-12,
would one install the flaperon trim, remove it for the certification
and then reinstall it?
I hope it is that easy,

Just wait until after your inspection and then install it or build it as EAB.