
Well Known Member
I am not sure if it is just being tired, not paying attention, or both but my error rate is going up.....

Due to what I think is confusing wording on 22-05 step 2, I drilled the two outside holes on the counterbalance tube for the Aileron to #27 instead of starting at #40 and then going to #30 later. These are the outside most holes in the nose skin/tube.

It calls for an LP4-3 rivet which is #30. I will just order another stainless tube and start the whole thing over if needed, but before I do that is there a blind rivet which would work for a #27 hole? I already mailed Vans to see what would be acceptable including ordering a new tube but this might make me feel better while I wait if there is such a beast.

For those that are yet to get to step 2 the wording is:

"Final-Drill #27 the marked holes and the two #40 holes in the

I read that as Final drill all of them #27.
That is another option. I know it is strong material, wasn't sure if that was acceptable given I have already drilled three #27 holes, two on the bottom and one on the top. If I rotate it that is a lot of holes around the circumference.
Thanks for all the replies. Vans actually came back and talked about adding additional rivets in the middle of the line, but after all of that I just mentioned Bruce's suggestion and they agreed...

I will rotate the tube and start over :(

Oh yeah, and read closer and ahead in the plans :)

Thanks everyone
Glad to hear my suggestion is acceptable. Confession: I did something similar on my -9A after I inadvertently built some twist into my first attempt at the ailerons.
Resurrecting this thread

I believe that what JDBoston was actually writing about were the holes drilled in the A-1009 counterbalance and the Aileron leading edge on Page 22-04 step 4 as the holes drilled in 22-05 step 2 end up up sized to #27 for nut and bolt installation.

Side note; I know drilling that darn pipe has been challenging in the past. I'm gathering all the good ideas before I do mine. What was your process?
