
Active Member
Ok, induct me into the Hall Of Blockheads club. I was working on my ailerons tonight and came to the point where I need to fit the counter balance pipe. Problem is, I cannot seem to find them. I must have accidentaly tossed them when I cleaned out some of the garage awhile back. I believe that they are just plain galvanized 1/2" pipe, nothing exotic, that could not be found in the aviation dept at Home Depot. Can anyone back me up on that? Thanks.
Mike Hope
RV8 Wings
That's right, 1/2" galv. sch 40 pipe.

That's what is is, 1/2 galv. pipe. I had a piece in my garage that was longer than what came with the kit, I almost cut it down before I found the two that I was supposed to use. I couldn't see any difference at all.
