
Well Known Member
Has anyone else recieved Aileron Bellcranks that seem to be labeled backwards.

We just got a replacement and it is marked right but seems to be left if you look at the way others are installing them and the Dynon AP install drawings.

Van's drawing 9 shows in detail B the left spar web W-906A-L) with the bellcrank marked right (WD421-R)

We installed them as shown in the drawings and ignored the way that they were marked. We're going to call Van's next week to resolve the replacement part issue and may be useful to know if other have been sent parts that seem to be marked backwards.
Check this carefully. I kept looking at mine thinking Van's had labeled them incorrectly but, as usual, Van's was right. It's kind of one of those parts that you have to visualize upside-down and backwards!

Well maybe so but they don't work the other way , I tried that too,
mines flying, hope I am right..

Both of my LEFT wing drawings that show a part number for the aileron belcrank indicate that it is the -R part number. I assumed that the -L belcrank went in the RIGHT wing. It seems to work OK that way as well.
I agree with Roger. That was my take as well.

We got our replacement part, again, and this one fits the right wing.:D
It is marked left.:confused:
It will be interesting to see if they correct the drawing and parts markings...
WD421-R bushing interference

Has anyone had interference between the WD421-R (L) bellcranks and the brass bushing due to bleedthrough of the welds on the bellcranks?


I called VAN's this morning and discussed my issue and the bellcrank tube should be reamed at the factory so the bushing fits without any extra work on our part. Bottom line... I am getting two new bellcranks sent, (in exchange for mine).

Also, the bellcranks are not mismarked; they are marked to identify their orientation and operation when installed.
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May have to do with the orientation of the part (actuated from right or left), rather than the location (left or right wing). Similar to the R and L ribs refer to the orientation of the rib flange.