
Well Known Member
All my rigging is done and everything is within specs. YEAH!!!

My right wing tip is a bit high compared to the aileron.

I was thinking of two approaches to fix it.
First is to remove the rib at the tail end and then take my heat gun to it. If it moves enough to align then rivet the rib back in.

Second option is remove the rib at the tail end, cut along the dotted line in the picture below, shape it, and then glass it back together.

Which way would you go or have an alternate approach in mind?


Thank you,
Most people seem to have solved this problem by splitting the tip's trailing edge, aligning it, the re-gluing it. You'd have to de-rivet the rib for that to work and you'd have to change the rivet spacing when you re-attach it to keep the tip aligned. I'd suggest using the current holes on top and drilling new ones on bottom.
Splitting at the trailing edge works well. Then you can work on the length of the tip as well. As in make it shorter or extend it a bit.
Most people seem to have solved this problem by splitting the tip's trailing edge, aligning it, the re-gluing it. You'd have to de-rivet the rib for that to work and you'd have to change the rivet spacing when you re-attach it to keep the tip aligned. I'd suggest using the current holes on top and drilling new ones on bottom.

What Kyle said.

I also had to cut mine on the seam up the outboard side to get mine to align correctly. One side, I had to remove almost 1/4" of material on the outside seam.
Wing tip / aileron mismatch

Both of mine are mismatched a bit. I can confirm that leaving it as is has no apparent effect on flight characteristics. :)

All my rigging is done and everything is within specs. YEAH!!!

My right wing tip is a bit high compared to the aileron.
I have built four RVs, and have always lined up the flaps, ailerons and wing tip while still in the wing cradle, before drilling the tip. Always came out great. :)