
I'm New Here
Good afternoon RVers!

I am looking to see if anyone has a contact for AIG to get an insurance quote for a -10?

I've looked around their website and all I can find are corporate office numbers not directly related to aviation.

Thanks in advance!

You will need to go through a broker, they don't sell direct.
Try Gallagher or BWI.
Perfect! I just got off the phone with with Leah, and hopefully will hear back some good news!

Thanks everyone.
Since you sound new to this: All but one aviation insurance company use independent brokers. In principle any broker will get you the same quote, so you shop for a broker by their level of service. Gallagher has a good reputation (disclaimer: that’s who I use). Your broker should get quotes from all the companies (there aren’t that many). The one exception is AVEMCO. If you want a quote from them you need to contact them directly. Most Vans owners have found them very much more expensive.
I'll be surprised if AIG is your best quote............she'll probably find something better with a different carrier.

AIG was by far the best quote I got for my RV-9A. Identical experience requirements and transition training, and almost identical premium between the quotes obtained by Gallagher and BWI. But the one from Gallagher included an open pilot warranty and waiver of subrogation. The one from BWI did not, and I was told that including those would add a lot to the premium.

IIUC, however...insuring an RV-10 can be a very different situation.

I knew somebody would reply singing the praises of AIG..... ;)

I don't know about praise...I have no idea if they're any good as an aviation insurance company and hope never to find out. But the premium quoted was about 1/3 that of Avemco, and required 2 hours of transition training as opposed to the 15 hours of transition that Avemco wanted.
I go through AOPA and for years AIG was my best option. However last year things changed and AOPA gave me two quotes to consider: AOPA and Global. The AIG quote had increased quite a bit while the new Global quote was much closer to what I had been paying. Guess what. I changed to Global.
I don't know about praise...I have no idea if they're any good as an aviation insurance company and hope never to find out. But the premium quoted was about 1/3 that of Avemco, and required 2 hours of transition training as opposed to the 15 hours of transition that Avemco wanted.

Everybody's premium is at least 1/3 less than Avemco....... :D

Avemco is the carrier of very last resort in the RV community.

For the first ten years with my 1999 RV-6 best rate was with AIG, but then Global underquoted them and I've been with Global ever since.
Everybody's premium is at least 1/3 less than Avemco....... :D

Avemco is the carrier of very last resort in the RV community.

For the first ten years with my 1999 RV-6 best rate was with AIG, but then Global underquoted them and I've been with Global ever since.

Avemco is like the car insurance carrier that advertises on late-night TV for $19.99 per week - you use them because you have no other choice and you know they will carry you.
Everybody's premium is at least 1/3 less than Avemco....... :D

Avemco is the carrier of very last resort in the RV community.

For the first ten years with my 1999 RV-6 best rate was with AIG, but then Global underquoted them and I've been with Global ever since.

Same here. :)
Everybody's premium is at least 1/3 less than Avemco....... :D

Avemco is the carrier of very last resort in the RV community.

For the first ten years with my 1999 RV-6 best rate was with AIG, but then Global underquoted them and I've been with Global ever since.

The quote I got from Global last fall was only twice that of the quote from AIG. But aviation insurance appears to be a wonky landscape these days. We'll see how it shakes out next fall.
Having gone through the process of a claim, (one of the lucky victims of the MT prop gov issue). I am a believer that nothing can be more expensive than cheap insurance. AIG covered me properly and with respect and genuine effort to make me whole to the best extent possible. Other victims with different companies weren't so fortunate. If the price chasm isn't too wide, my first choice is AIG.
I called AVEMCO once and the quote was ridiculous, like 150 % more. When I told the agent of my other quote her answer was "We hear that all the time and when we pass it up to management they tell us they aren't really interested in experimental business. At least their agents are honest.