Well Known Member
Out flying yesterday hear this horrendous noise scan gauges and see the AI spinning wildly. It eventually stops all cockeyed. See pic notice left side. Never having problems (800 + hours) I have no idea how much it costs to repair, any ball park ideas? I was also thinking of dumping the vacuum system and replacing with Dynon D6 or Gemini PFD. I am just day/night VFR so do not see the need to get to fancy. I fly a 6. Money is tight. Suggestions , Ideas?

Hopefully I figured out how to add the picture.

I replaced my electrical AI with a Dynon D10 many years.
Size and weight almost identical, cost vs. AI overhaul very close.
Much more info on the D10.
Never, for one minute, regretted the decision.
Now you've done it

You are in deep trouble! My AI went out several years ago (in another experimental). I said to myself I should just upgrade rather than spend many hundreds, or maybe a thousand or so dollars on a repair or replacement unit.

I removed the AI, then the next thing I knew, I had the ASI and VSI out of the panel. Then I said, what the heck, I should just pull the whole panel. It cost me many thousands of dollars for a new glass panel. Not to mention the many hours of labor to fabricate and install the new panel....I thought many times during that period, "If only I would have just replaced that AI, I would be flying right now."

edit: I like Mel's idea for a replacement.
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One of the most satisfying days in my RV-6 owning life was pulling out the troublesome AI, heading indicator, vacuum pump, vacuum regulator and assorted hoses and slapping in that Dynon D10. Nothing but good about that decision.
Michigan Aviation
(248) 666-3440
Based on field at PTK (Pontiac MI)

Great work, trustworthy and reasonable.

They will give you a quote for repair, overhaul or outright exchange

good luck

If budget is an issue, you can probably buy a take out for $50.00 to $150.00. It is pot luck on the service life of a used unit, but it would get you back in the air cheap.
If budget is an issue, you can probably buy a take out for $50.00 to $150.00. It is pot luck on the service life of a used unit, but it would get you back in the air cheap.

I just had an offer of a use one. Seriously thinking about. Right now budget is an issue. Thanks for the thought. I had not considered that option.
I thought it said IA Busted!

You could just flag it as in-op and keep flying. I think that's right, yes no?

All my RV has is needle ball and airspeed and vertical speed.
AI Damage

From your picture, it looks like the face of the instrument has wedged itself in front of part of the bezel of the instrument.... If it were me, I don't think I'd ever really trust the instrument again were I to have it repaired. :rolleyes:

I think your choice of the Gemini PFD would be a good one.
I've got a new Sigma Tek I used for only a couple of hours. It's set up for zero panel tilt, and the 170 requires a few degrees. Let me know if $500 isn't too much.
We've had 2 AI's take a dump at the most inopportune times. We replaed it with a Dynon D1. It isn't cheap but it did eliminate the need to replace it with a vacuum unit. The plus is that it give so much more information right in your eyesight. I do find that the HI part is a little jerky but my wife has been doing her IFR training under the hood and hasn't had too much trouble adjusting to it. I'm sure we'll replace the whole panel at some point (unless someone builds a nice RV14 and decides to sell).
SO close

Well I had pretty much decided on the Dynon D6 as a replacement for my AI (and DG) So I went out to the hanger today to pull the AI (and DG) and measure for the Dunon. Just over 4" is required top to bottom and side to side. SO CLOSE but the bezel of the Dynon will be resting on the bezel of the Airspeed and altimeter. Bummer. I thought about shimming the Dynon so the bezel clears, thought about shaving a little off the back of the Dynon bezel (not sure if that is feasible I have never seen the back side of the Dynon) so it does not rest on the bezel of the other 2 instruments. One of the guys at the airport thinks both are a bad idea. Darn I really wanted that AOA. So back to overhaul or used AI or the Gemini. Complete panel re do is not on the table. Following another thread the Gemini kind of bothers me that it is not an AI but some other vector something.

Anyone ever squeezed a Dynon in as a retro fit on a 6?
if budget doesn't preclude it...

that Gemini may be worth further consideration. true, the AI part isn't actually an AI: it's better. after half an hour of use you will probably like it better than the old AI, if you are like me.
that Gemini may be worth further consideration. true, the AI part isn't actually an AI: it's better. after half an hour of use you will probably like it better than the old AI, if you are like me.

It might be I am just not understanding the difference. From what I understand if I am in a constant climb or decent the Gemini will at some point show me flying stright and level. Is that correct? If that is correct how is it better? The Gemini seems the least complaceted way to replace the vacuum guages. I could add an AOA some another way.
I thought it said IA Busted!

Yea my spelling is horrendous and words that sound the same but are spelled different with deferent meanings is more likely than not lost on me. Sorry about that.

No No, I can't spell a lick!!!! It was a comment on my own dyslexia, I turned AI around and thought it was IA, you know the guys that inspect/sign off/maintain certified airplanes. If you had spelled something wrong I would be the last to catch it.:)
If the AS and Alt are mounted from the rear could you mount the D6 on the front and shim the AS and Alt so they are flush with the panel and use flush screws? Or if the AS and Alt are mounted from the front, you could flip to the rear or rear-mount the D6, maybe it will clear the body of the other instruments.

How about another picture of the panel showing those three instuments?