
Well Known Member
Ok fellas, I was going along good about to rivet the trailing edge of the rudder when I noticed a rivet missing on one side. It was the aft most bottom rivet of the bottom rib. This thing has crazy tight clearance. Anyways I debate using a blind rivet and then foolishly move onto trying to squeeze it using a metal spacer off the opposite side rivet with a wedge etc.Llong story short, I started to set the rivet then realized I was bending the skin/rib on the opposite side.
Here's a link https://goo.gl/photos/iaGAGxijEbvezjSV8
And another


At this point I'm thing about drilling them both out, using the hand seamers the smooth out the bump then using blind rivets on both sides. Any other ideas?


I think you will have to drill down some of the trailing edge to get to the rivets. Your gonna have to be able to get a hand squeeze in there to straighten the skin. I bet if you drill down about 4 inches of the lower part of the trailing edge you could spread it open enough to straighten the skin and shoot the rivets.