
Well Known Member
Hi Guys/gals.
Anyone had a steam driven AH topple then go crazy after some aero's? This is the first time I've done a loop in my 8 (plenty of rolls wit no issues) & now the AH has a mind of it's own ! Been perfect till my last series of aero's
Any idea's?
Get a G5

Either cage it before vertical man. exceeding the gimbal limit,

Or make a quick removable gyro panel and take it and the DG right out of the AC before Acro.

The G5 is the right attitude device for extended aerobatics.
No caging ability. I don't want to remove it every time I do aero's. More research me thinks:)
If it's electric put a switch in to turn it off and let it run down before aeros.
There are a few manufactures that made one or two models that would handle vertical moves well. BF Goodrich made an electric AI that would still indicate correctly after several loops and cuban 8's. Most vac. driven Attitude indicators will not allow many degrees of nose up or nose down before the gimbal frame hits a hard stop. At the same time they do handle level rolls quite well.
Take one apart and study the way they are made.

Other than that it would be mostly military attitude indicators and often those were just a servo driven ball on the panel with a strap down remote located AHRS units and often they were higher voltage DC or 400Hz AC units.

The G5 is the low cost 12V DC solution that will handle up to 500 degrees per second and not tumble.
You could get an attitude indicator with a cage knob and cage it after you were done flinging the bird around.
Probably not the best for the longevity of the gyros but it is better than nothing.
Thanks for the replies guys, will go for a G5 & be done with it:) I have that perm RV smile & it's hard not for my own gyro not to topple:D Just wish we down under had the same opportunities you guys have over there, everything is so expensive here !!!