
I'm New Here
I Saw A sight a few months ago for aftermarket wing tips seems like it was zip tips or fast tips cant find it now any help would be greatly apreceated ...............airplaneduck
Hot Tips?

I Saw A sight a few months ago for aftermarket wing tips seems like it was zip tips or fast tips cant find it now any help would be greatly apreceated ...............airplaneduck

Could what you are asking about be the "Hot Tips" from by Massey Aircraft in Shafter, California?

I Like their wingtips. Just make certain you leave the especially molded in sharp edge along the side of the tip.

The obvious benefit is that they don't need the internal reinforcement like the Van's sheared tips.

Expect a 2 mph increase in cruise speed, and 3 mph decrease in stall speed. (These are numbers I believe to be accurate. I didn't notice what was claimed.)

Jim Ayers