
Well Known Member
.......passed thru it cleared up Saturday evening in time to get a quick hours flight in. The colors that were, were now brown. Some still to change but it's not going to be a great year for colors here in the Rockies.

Sleepy Cat


Lost Lakes

upper White River



Ripple Creek Pass
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Nice! I got ripped off of another beautiful morning flight because of yet another inconsiderate, incompetent so&so.

I can't wait to have my own aircraft.
Oh No!

Great photos! . . . But what the heck is all that white stuff?
I am SOO not ready for winter. I'm hoping for a couple more months of nice cool fall air to fly in before having to deal with snow...
I missed the whole summer!

Holy cow Dave, your pictures shoe I missed the entire summer!! I am not ready for snow either. On my way to Hawaii right now to see our newest granddaughter. I sure hope to be back in Colorado before it is really winter. Nice pictures. How is the Jag coming?

About the only thing that makes up for not seeing the kind of Fall colors I grew up with back east, is the look of new fallen snow against the Aspens, Ash and Cottonwoods in the Colorado Mountains.

Nice photos! I tried to get 30 miles into the mtns from the Front Range last Saturday but, MAN, was it bumpy and no fun!