
I'm New Here
Hello all!

When I was a kid in the mid-80's, learning to fly in Hillsboro, Oregon, I was lucky enough to see a few of the first RVs to be built, and decided then that I would someday build one.

So two days ago, I drove from my home in Portland to the Aurora factory, and came home with my RV-8 preview plans.

The plan is to get the empennage kit in the fall, and take one of the six-day courses to get it done. The wings will follow as soon as finances allow.

It sure feels good to have taken that first step!

-Michael Zenner
Portland, OR
Congratulations Michael!

Good for you Michael,

The tail goes together quickly and now you can begin accumulating tools before you get your tail kit. Get some instructional videos and the aircraft standards handbook and hit the books. There is a lot to know for us laymen and we need to catch up to the AME's because soon, we will almost be one.

By the time Fall comes around your workspace will be ready with workbenches, tools and you will be ready to rock.
Cheers, Pete
Better yet

Since you live here in Oregon go down and see Wally Anderson
Even just the one day fundamentals of building class is money well spent. And of you want to go back for the empennage class you'll be ready.
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Welcome to the group!

Welcome Michael!

I'm just getting a good start on my wings and am enjoying the building process. Good luck and have fun!

I sure hope you enjoy the experience as much as I have! I'm working forward on the fuselage, doing some wire sizing/layout and finally getting the flop tube mod done on my left QB fuel tank :eek:
