Well Known Member
In the section about the right elevator: "Dimple skins and stiffeners. The aft three or four holes for the rivets that attach the E-912 tip should be dimpled now as well. Once the elevator is joined at the trailing edge, these holes will be nearly impossible to dimple the skins because the elevator is so narrow at that location."

Do they mean the holes on the most outer row (that will attach the fiberglass tip) in between the E-902 spar in the direction of the counterweight or the other direction where the E-903 rib gets very narrow?

And I don't find anything about it in the section on the left elevator. I suppose this need to be done there as well?
After searching almost a night, I think I found the picture that shows the 3 dimpled holes. Is this what they mean? And should I repeat for the other elevator as well?

Ok, now I understand.

I already dimpled the holes where the E-913 counterbalance skin joins the E-901 skin. Because this is where you have two skins and I thought that this was the difficulty they where suggesting.

I hope that this will not be a problem that I already dimpled those?
All the holes will need to be dimpled. You should fit your tip and drill prior to dimpling that area. It looks like you have dimpled the aft area there already Your tip will fit better if you do that now. You may have already did this.

Jim Fogarty
RV-9A Flying