
Well Known Member
Anybody got photos, drawings, anything regarding this little piece of al. thats supposed to go on the side of the fuse just aft of the flap. The pic in the plans is a bit vague to say the least. Thanks a bunch.
Fairing at flap

Hi Steve
Is this the area that you need information on?
side fuselage...

hey are showing me something that i may have missed as well...what print is that on and what is the purpose of that piece..thx,todd
Hi Truss
That fairing is F466 Wing trailing edge fairing it is on DRW #40. I installed mine with soft rivets after I had the fuselage on the gear.


How did you attach the flap fairing to the fuse? I don't see any screws.

Are you wing (aft of the tank) and flap fairing one piece? Does the fairing bend radius change from the flap hinge line to the trailing edge?

Is the wing fairing screwed to both the wing and the fuse?

RV-4 finishing
Upper wing and aft fairings?

Dayton - Sorry I'm about a month behind on this thread but like Ken I'd be very interested to hear and see more of the fairings and how best to tackle them?

I'm particularly interested in the aft upper wing and leading edge fairings. I've left out 4 of the upper surface rivets (6-8 inch spacing) rear of the spar. My intention was to replace them with #8 screws, leaving the fuselage side unattached but under tension as per the drawing.

By the way the two photographs were worth their weight in gold, thanks.

# 4411