
Asking for those whom have come before. In progress of aft tail cone assembly for final drilling. The side skins the aft bottom skin and tail bottom skin holes are not lining up. Forward end assembled fine, though the last 10 hole toward the aft end are not matching up at all. disassembled and reassembled 4 times to no avail. Anyone have these problems?
Can you post any photos? I can remember occasions when things were right (as you’d expect) but never an occasion where it really wouldn’t go.
Sorry - I meant “tight” not “right”. Why does my phone think it knows better?!
The final pair of bulkheads in the absolute tail - verify they are not reversed. At one point I believe the drawings actually indicated them reversed, or at least that's what I heard - not confirmed. In any case if that final bulkhead is reversed it LOOKS right but will cause exactly the problem you are fighting.

Ask me how I know... :D
Just me

I had to rebend my rear lower skin on my 9a. The skin is very thick and the sides were not bent up enough. I had to make a fixture to tweak the bend. The details are in my blog or her on VAF under my build story.
Thanks to all for the advice. Bulkheads are correct, (thanks goodness) the drawings are faded and leave alot to the imagination. I wil try bending the skin as you suggest. 5th time a charm I hope. Thanks again