
Well Known Member
I'm confused a little on the hardware for some of the aft bulkheads. I'm not looking at the drawings right now so I don't know the part numbers for all of the applicable bulkheads. I know it's at least the F-707. Anyway at the top there are rivet holes and what appears to be a mounting location for a nutplate except the mounting holes seem to be #30. I don't see a call out anywhere for it and when looking at some builder sites I don't see anything mounted on that location. Plus there is a note in one location to only install 6 rivets. Any clarification would be helpful.
What looks like holes for a nut plate are rivet holes with a tooling hole in between. The tooling hole can make a good place to hang a fishing line for a plumb bob, but otherwise it's unused. No nut plates.
Well that makes me wonder why I was pondering the problem for so long. :rolleyes: Jeez. Such a simple thing. Oh well. Thanks for the help.