
Well Known Member
Just finishing up the forward fuselage tasks before I can disassemble everything for preparations to rivet.

Got the F-724 and F-722 ribs installed and match drilled. Then I put the F-750 aft baggage covers on. The prepunched holes in the F-750 cover don't line up with the F-722 horizontal rib.

Here is a picture of the overall area.

A closeup of 1 of the 3 mismatched prepunched holes.

It is like this on both L & R sides and all of the prepunched holes are similarly off by about 3/32".

An LP4-3 pull rivet will eventually connect these, so they will get drilled out to 1/8".

Curiously, DWG 25, Detail D & E have a note about these holes in the F-722:
"Predimple for later installation of baggage side covers"

Why predimple if the rivet callout isn't for a flush rivet?

Should I just go ahead and drill these out to #30, or do I really need to be concerned about the mismatch? Everything else lines up perfectly. It doesn't appear to be particularly structural.

Looking forward in the plans, I love the next paragraph...

"Before the F970 forward side skins can be riveted to the fuselage framework, there is a laundry list of small tasks that must be completed. You may have done some already. If not, complete them now."

That narrows it down! :D
Anyone have a more complete list? I'm hoping to get the prep work done before the Labor Day holiday weekend.
problem solved, faith restored

Came back to it after a break and was able to get a cleco in the holes to line things up. Match drilled to #30. All is right in the world. :p

Still looking forward to getting my "laundry list" done before I take this thing apart for prep.