
Well Known Member
I posted this over at the Advanced Flight Systems forum; though I might get a little more exposure here.

Is the "AFS-Xpndr" the same as the "SV-261", mode S transponder?

I purchased the "AFS-XPNDR", which appears to be a Trigg TT22. All the AFS install documents appear to refer to the SV-261. Of coarse the SV-261 looks a lot like the trigg as well. (I believe the label on mine says "trigg TT22", will need to double check when I go back to the hangar.)

The trigg TT22 install documents are different than the SV-261.

I've connected mine as a SV-261 (based on AFS install document) and I do not get any communication with the AF-5600.

For SV-261 (and currently wired):
pin 1 - loop, connect to pin 2
pin 2 - loop, connect to pin 1
pin 5 - serial RX
pin 7 - serial TX
pin 12 - loop, connect to pin 13
pin 13 - loop, connect to pin 12
pin 14 - ground
pin 15 - power

From Trigg TT22 install document:
pin 1 - ground
pin 2 - TMAP1A (possibly serial 1)
pin 3 - TMAP1B (possibly serial 1)
pin 8 - TMAP2A (possibly serial 2)
pin 9 - TMAP2B (possibly serial 2)
pin 14 - ground
pin 15 - power

Clearly there is a difference. Anyone have experience with this?



I have the SV-261 (TT22) wired based on the AFS Diagram/Install instructions from the AFS manual (v2.20 & v3.00) ... (First wiring, you've noted) .. it's been working flawlessly for 80 hrs ..
I posted this over at the Advanced Flight Systems forum; though I might get a little more exposure here.

Is the "AFS-Xpndr" the same as the "SV-261", mode S transponder?

I purchased the "AFS-XPNDR", which appears to be a Trigg TT22. All the AFS install documents appear to refer to the SV-261. Of coarse the SV-261 looks a lot like the trigg as well. (I believe the label on mine says "trigg TT22", will need to double check when I go back to the hangar.)

The trigg TT22 install documents are different than the SV-261.

I've connected mine as a SV-261 (based on AFS install document) and I do not get any communication with the AF-5600.

For SV-261 (and currently wired):
pin 1 - loop, connect to pin 2
pin 2 - loop, connect to pin 1
pin 5 - serial RX
pin 7 - serial TX
pin 12 - loop, connect to pin 13
pin 13 - loop, connect to pin 12
pin 14 - ground
pin 15 - power

From Trigg TT22 install document:
pin 1 - ground
pin 2 - TMAP1A (possibly serial 1)
pin 3 - TMAP1B (possibly serial 1)
pin 8 - TMAP2A (possibly serial 2)
pin 9 - TMAP2B (possibly serial 2)
pin 14 - ground
pin 15 - power

Clearly there is a difference. Anyone have experience with this?


Are you using the AF-5000 Manual?

If you wire and configure it just like the manual shows it should work.

Page 160 has what you are looking for.

http://www.advanced-flight-systems....F-5000 User and Installation Manual V3.00.pdf

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
1. Make sure that you connected the Transponder TXD to the EFIS RXD
2. Make sure that you connected the Transponder RXD to the EFIS TXD
3. Make sure you have power to the transponder
4. Make sure you configured the EFIS serial port for the transponder
5. Make sure you configured the EFIS Transponder menu

If all this fails give us a call from the plane.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
It's wired exactly as described on page 160; Same as noted above for the SV-261.

Connected to serial port 2 of the AF-5600.

I'll tripple check the wiring tomorrow.
1. Make sure that you connected the Transponder TXD to the EFIS RXD
- It is correct
2. Make sure that you connected the Transponder RXD to the EFIS TXD
- It is correct
3. Make sure you have power to the transponder
- I do have power. But it usually starts off with a current fault from the VPX. Once reset it seems to draw only 0.1 amps.

4. Make sure you configured the EFIS serial port for the transponder
- It is configured
5. Make sure you configured the EFIS Transponder menu
- It is configured but I do not have a mode S code yet. Still, there should be communication and should go into standby mode.

If all this fails give us a call from the plane.

I'll have to verify my VPX settings first.

I switched to a different pin on the VPX. no help. Still get a current fault from the VPX indicating the transponder is not drawing any power. I can rest the ciruit and it show it is on but drawing 0.0 Amps, then I get a current fault again. (I previously indicated I was getting 0.1 amps, but that is probably not true.)

Bypassed the VPX by connecting power (through a fuse) from a different buss. No help.
All other connections seem to ohm out as they should.

Still a red X over the transponder and no serial communication.
I know on a standard trig until you go thru the setup mode the transponder will not come on. I would suggest you set the mode S code and all the other mode S parameters.
I switched to a different pin on the VPX. no help. Still get a current fault from the VPX indicating the transponder is not drawing any power. I can rest the ciruit and it show it is on but drawing 0.0 Amps, then I get a current fault again. (I previously indicated I was getting 0.1 amps, but that is probably not true.)

Bypassed the VPX by connecting power (through a fuse) from a different buss. No help.
All other connections seem to ohm out as they should.

Still a red X over the transponder and no serial communication.

Just tested your Transponder and it works in my RV-10, looks like you have a wiring or configuration problem on your end.

1. Make sure you don't have the DSUB connectors wired backwards, this is a lot more common than you might think.

2. The VPX was flashing between 0.0 and 0.1 on the transponder when on the ground.

Using our new Quick Panel system with the wiring hub eliminates these type of problems.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
Just tested your Transponder and it works in my RV-10, looks like you have a wiring or configuration problem on your end.

1. Make sure you don't have the DSUB connectors wired backwards, this is a lot more common than you might think.

2. The VPX was flashing between 0.0 and 0.1 on the transponder when on the ground.

Using our new Quick Panel system with the wiring hub eliminates these type of problems.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems

As someone who does the troubleshooting thing for a living, hearing "no fault found" is the worst thing ever.

I got the Xponder back and it still doesn't work on my end. This should be the simplest thing to connect, yet it is the only one that does not work.

1. verified all Dsub connector numbers match. (they are labeled what they are supposed to be labeled.)
2. changed power pin coming from VPX
3. bypassed VPX completely and powered the Xponder from a different buss.
4. made new serial cable.
5. swapped serial pins at Xponder
6. swapped serial pins at EFIS
7. changed from port 2 to port 3. And changed EFIS settings (and swapped pins all around again)
8. changed settings in Xponder settings.
9. connected pin 21 (serial #2/3 ground) to ground.
10. bypassed the Xponder Dsub connector. connecting pins directly to power,ground, loops, and serial connections.

I'm stumped

Well, I'll just have to put this in the "What the H3LL?" folder.

After swapping various things to various ports and verifying everything is OK, and all setup menus look OK.... I connected a test lead from the transponder case to ground.

It worked. No more red X and there is serial communication.

Powered it off, removed the test lead, powered it back on..... still works. WTH?

Even before connecting a test lead from the case to ground, I had good continuity. So, I don't know. I'm moving on.
Recycled Electrons

That will teach you to not use sub standard aftermarket low grade non-mill spec recycled electrons!! :D
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I have the transponder Trig TT22 and I tried to connect it on the skyview but it does't work.

I called Trig support who confirmed me that it is not possible.

It's not the same software between both units.

Either SV-261 with Skyview, or Trig TT22 with his panel controller.:mad: