Pat Stewart

Well Known Member
Did anyone talk with AFS (Rob) at Air Venture about the training video that has been promised for several months. I am amazed at how much we pay for this tackle without this level of support.

I don't see why a video would be needed. The manual is very in-depth and has always had any answer I was looking for. I thought it was very nicely laid out and in an easy to understand terminology. Some light reading each day while in the hanger and unit turned on made it a breeze. But, that's just my opinion.
I dont think that was the question. For those of us who chose the product after having AFS commit on this forum and at Sun-N-Fun that they would have it out in a couple of months this is an issue.

AFS EFIS ILS Training Video

Here you go Pat - Video #1

We should have more videos in the next couple of days. We are currently working on:

1. "steep spiral" maneuver as described by the Commercial Pilot PTS , and how our AHRS handles it without errors.
2. How to fly an LPV approach
3. How to use the Autopilot
4. How to use your AOA
5. How to use the Flight Director
6. Dual AHRS cross checking
7. HITS Highway in the Sky

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
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I just watched the video. It kept stopping when played during download. I had to copy the link and then paste it and play it in the WMP program. It took some time for it to download. It played fine after that. I even copied the video to my computer so I can watch it later without having to let it load again.
GREAT video Rob! I loved the whole thing.. except the ending. I was dying to see how you did the missed approach (esp. the vertical portion) - but the video ended when you pressed SUSP on the 430W.

What a cliffhanger!

(OK - so I'm a bit of an avionics geek).

Cannot wait for the other videos. You've validated my purchase choice. Very professional set of features here.

Minor nit - sure would be cool to get the minimums autmatically from the 430... but I'm betting it doesn't output it? I assume that you have 50' resolution on the minimums?

Loved the way the flight path vector was sitting on the runway during the ILS - you could see the system taking out a little crosswind.
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I assume that you have 50' resolution on the minimums?

Loved the way the flight path vector was sitting on the runway during the ILS - you could see the system taking out a little crosswind.

If I am remembering correctly the Minimums bug has 10' resolution.

<< Just verified it is indeed 50' resolution on the minimums bug >>
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That video was outstanding, thank you very much. I selected your product because my research showed the product was fantastic and a good value. For a private pilot accustomed to only flying basic panels this is exactly the kind of training video I was looking for. Thanks again for great product and customer support.


ps, I am already looking forward to the next one.

Here you go Pat - Video #1

We should have more videos in the next couple of days. We are currently working on:

1. "steep spiral" maneuver as described by the Commercial Pilot PTS , and how our AHRS handles it without errors.
2. How to fly an LPV approach
3. How to use the Autopilot
4. How to use your AOA
5. How to use the Flight Director
6. Dual AHRS cross checking
7. HITS Highway in the Sky

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.