Pat Stewart

Well Known Member
My 4500's are indicating "No GPS". We have looked at the output on the 430 and everything looks ok. I am not sure about the input on the 4500. Anyone have experience with this issue.


Pat, I am NO expert here! and believe me I should be at this point as I have many issues with my AFS/G3X setup. As with everything....all me!

Luckly, the AFS support (Trevor) and Garmin (Matt) will not sleep until they have helped you.

But - I would go to the AFS screen and select CHECK> MAINT>ABOUT and look under the current position to insure no LONG/LAT coordinates are listed and is showing all 00000's as probably is since you have NO GPS.

Then go into the admin settings and look at line's 10, 11 and 12 for GPS/NAV settings - for me 10 is set to Serial port #1, 11 is Serial port #3 and 12 is NONE.

You can also look up at lines 5,6,7 and 8 and make sure your Serial ports are properly setup - again, I am set like this 5-NEMA/AVTN, 6-TRFC/ICARUS, 7-SL-30 and 8 is ARINC.

I hope this helps a little...its the best I can do for you until the real experts come to your aid.
Pat, call Stein and make sure your setup is correct. Then, make sure your ARINC adapters are powered up. On the setup screen, under admin, there is a screen to check the arinc adapter data being bounced back and fourth. Look to see if it is getting data. Go to the 430W setup screen and make sure it is configured (Enter and power on).
I also had this issue and had to reboot the arinc adapter (cycled arinc power).

I had a simillar issue, it turns out, I had a bad serial port on the 430W. I dug into the harness and swapped some pins. All better.

I emailed Rob Hickman when I had the issues, he sent me his cell number and we talked through it while I sat on the ramp with the plane powered up. He is very patient.
Call me on my cell from the plane

(503) 701-5042

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
My AFS 4500's are working perfectly. Vic Syracuse walked me through all the 430W screens and the AFS screens, a couple of changes on each and everything worked great. These AFS 4500's are really nice.

Thanks Vic,

Pat Stewart