
Well Known Member
Just wanted to say thanks to both Rob Hickman and his son from AFS and Bill Moffitt of Navworx in taking time at airventure to come out to my plane in HBC multiple times to trouble shoot my issue with receiving ADS-B traffic/Wx. Both made individual and combined visits and were happy to help. What great support both of these vendors provide for their respective products.

Just wanted to say thanks to both Rob Hickman and his son from AFS and Bill Moffitt of Navworx in taking time at airventure to come out to my plane in HBC multiple times to trouble shoot my issue with receiving ADS-B traffic/Wx. Both made individual and combined visits and were happy to help. What great support both of these vendors provide for their respective products.


Any lessons learned that you care to share?
Unfortunately, It's too soon to say. The issue is still unresolved, but I didn't want to yank the box out while in HBC and give it to Bill. I wanted to fly home and check the wiring one more time before claiming the box defective.

The unit is configured properly as Rob & Bill can confirm. I do get packets, but they seem to stop after 30 or so seconds. If you reset the unit and run the test again, I get another 30-40 secs of packets before it stops again.

The last thing I want to try is to disconnect the external suppression line between my GTX-330 and the ADS600B. There's a slim chance that the GTX-330 may be causing the ADS600B to stop transmitting in my case.

I'm currently suffering from backaches and I'm not in the mood to go diving back into the plane to play with these connections, but will report whatever I find.