As an option, yes. There is sometimes a lot going on in the center reference frame when you see course needle, bearing needle, airports, traffic, flight director, reference line, flight path marker, obscurations, etc. From what I can tell most other efis? have a lower hsi, upper flight reference frame.
Option OK - Mandate - NO

If it is an option for the user to select, I can't argue that. BUT, if it becomes the only way to view, then I will vote against that.

Personally, I find the IFR scan to be very simple with "everything" right there in center view. You simply scan left-to-right-to-left (repeat) and an occasional look out to the other equipment and/or down to the engine indications.

I guess it goes to what you are used to. I'll keep mine the way it is. Thanks.
If this gets any traction I will be talking with Rob and making my vote that it should be user configurable (I am not interested in having the depiction on my screen).

It seems like you would get more backing for your cause if this thread was in the glass cockpit section of the forums?

There is a higher number of AFS systems flying among the other RV models, and being used for IFR as well.