
Well Known Member
Is there any software that can be pruchased to display the flight data from the AFS software? I final downloaded the flight data from my EFIS for the first time (not sure why I waited so long:rolleyes:) and loaded it in Excel. The charts are workable but I am just curious if there is a more readable options out there? Plotting graphs would be great too.
there is an excellent excel sheet "out there".

just found it:
it's an excel sheet. version 2.0.2 the most current.
thanks to mike for the excellent work!

it's an awesome base to add your own stuff if you want. gets you the most important graphs and even does a google earth export :)

the nextgen should be an automatic engine data processor, warning you of impending valve failures and such (which according to a recent paper article can be done based on variations in data over several seconds) etc... ;-)

have fun with the AFS,

regards, bernie
Egview states that they work with the AFS series. I have a copy that I used several years ago with the EI devices I had in my Cherokee. This was a good reminder that I need to get my copy upgraded.

AFS data import tool

I made the import tool Bernie mentioned. It also creates a Google Earth file so you can see your flight in 3D. If you have ideas for additional features, graphs, etc. I could try and make some revisions to it.