
Active Member
I’ve sending off to see what AFS thinks, but wondering if anyone here has seen before.

When I shut down the plane, my AFS-4500 EFIS when through the normal shut down procedure, but when it completed and turned off, it starting right back up and again, going through the normal start up procedure. I had to disconnect the backup battery to kill the power and shut it down.

Could this is a software/SD card issue (AFS uses SD cards that it boots off of at start up) or possibly a backup battery that is starting to go bad? I’m thinking the voltage is dropping enough and then kicks back up that the system thinks power has been restored? I plan on putting a volt meter on it the next time I can get out there.

The SD cards are original (I believe), so they are over ten year old. The Backup battery is probably at least 5, so it could also be due to be replaced.

Interestingly, I also noticed the clock was slow by 2.5 hours too, which leans me towards the backup battery being the issue, assuming the EFIS uses the backup battery to keep the time when the EFIS is off.

I've not had the same problem you describe, but I have a couple usb sticks that cause random shutdown/reboots, and not powering down normally (the countdown doesn't start).

No problems with the original usb stick provided by AFS.
I know what Rob will tell you: are you running the latest SW? There's a new release just out.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I have the latest SW. The -4500's haven't had an update in years!
After reading the link, I further suspect the back up battery. If it's starting to die and dropping voltage, that could be triggering the restart.
Yes, I have the latest SW. The -4500's haven't had an update in years!
After reading the link, I further suspect the back up battery. If it's starting to die and dropping voltage, that could be triggering the restart.

Aaah! I missed in the first post that you have a 4500. Never mind what I said, your backup battery theory is more likely.
I recently had the same problem. Push the sad card gently to the left while it is seated. Seems they have a card slot problem. Sent mine back for a quick fix. Shipped on Monday had it back on Friday.