Well Known Member
About 6 weeks ago I bought a RV10. On ferry flight home with CFII we noted that we could not pull up weather/radar services on our dual AFS 5600 screens. We also could not pull up Metars or TAFs. When I had the plane home I spent some time trying to read various manuals to see what the story was. I ended up calling AFS from the hangar, talked to Jonathan, who on the first call confirmed that everything was installed correctly, suggested maybe we had only checked when ADSB in was not in a service area. So I went flying again and regularly checked things, no wx products showed.

I called Jonathan a second time and asked what to look for. He described how to find the screen showing ADSB in wx counts, told me to keep an eye out on if the numbers were increasing. He mentioned that maybe the ADSB unit had some failed item, as if the frequency to receive traffic worked but the wx frequency part of things was not. So I went flying some more and did see the wx counts were increasing.

I scrolled through various screens in flight recording various things as photos and video, emailed AFS support. A couple days later got an email back saying that the the wx input was set to get things from a non existent Xm wx receiver, instructions were provided on how to remedy this.

So yesterday I went flying again, fixed things according to directions and was able to get onboard wx for the first time! I loved getting Altimeter settings, one touch flow over. Seems to be the same for frequencies, though I did not play much with that.

Thanks Jonathan and AFS for the help!