
Well Known Member
I am looking through the AFS AP Installation document and had a question. Am I correct in reading there is no REMOTE AP disconnect button? You must disengage the AP via the AP button on the head unit or temporarily via a remote CWS button? Is there any provision for a stick/grip mounted AP disconnect?

No, you can use the stick switch to disconnect the autopilot.

I don't have the wiring diagram in front of me, but I think it's like pin 7 or 9???

It may be the TCS pin.

I was told the same thing by someone, but Rob confirmed it and I wired as he said and have been very happy with my stick disc switch.
Interesting, must be undocumented.

Hi Charlie..

You should stick with the disconnect direct to the AP. What happens when the EFIS is TU? You can still use the AP under this condition, so you will want the disconnect going direct to the AP.

CWS (Control Wheel Switch) is also disconnect


Pin 3 in the table you posted includes CWS (Control Wheel Switch, also know as Control Wheel Steering) "located remotely to the autopilot for convenient engage/disengage function".

When engaging the AP with the CWS the AP will hold the course the plane is currently on and will hold the climb/descent rate the plane has if greater than 500fpm; if less than 500fpm it will hold altitude.

AFS can now engage and disengage the AP from the 5000 series screen.

Mark, that pin 3 is it. I dont use it as a CWS, I press and release with my thumb and it disconnects the A/P.
Sorry Charlie...

I didn't look at the document that you posted.

Jack is right.

A quick grounding of pin 3 disconnect the AP.
Hold pin 3 grounded and when you release the AP will take up the coarse and alt that you are currently on.

Kent Pilot Installation Manual.pdf

Page 9:
"To exit EFIS mode and disengaged (sic) the autopilot, press the AP button or use the CWS switch, if connected. Pressing the EFIS button, while in EFIS mode, will toggle the system to AP mode. Pressing and holding the CWS switch will put the AP into CWS mode. In this mode the servos temporarily disengage and you can steer the autopilot to a new course and new altitude or vertical speed. When the button is released, the autopilot will hold the new course and vertical speed or enter altitude hold".

I think this language may be confusing you. When the autopilot is engaged in any mode, pressing the CWS switch will disconnect the autopilot. In this manner it acts like an AP disconnect switch. If you PRESS AND HOLD the CWS button, the servos will temporarily disengage while you steer to a new heading. When you then release the switch, the AP will hold the new heading.

You do not want a stick-mounted remote power switch for the AP, since there is a long delay on power-up while the AP "cages". I'm sure this is not the correct term but the AP must be level and stable for ~30-60 sec after power up so it's gyros know where up is.
Ok, so a quick press is a full disconnect, and a long hold of the button is CWS?

Guess I only need a single button on the stick then for Disconnect/CWS. Just need to figure out how to label that then.
1.5 seconds ?

I am assummng the AF-Pilot CWS works the same as the TT CWS.


"...... When the switch is held down for 1.5 seconds or more, the autopilot enters the control wheel steering mode.......
A momentary push and release of the control wheel switch will disengage the autopilot."

We don't want you cutting power to the AP in flight because if you need to power back up chances are you'll introduce some offsets on the power up. The CWS switch does all three functions; disengage (quick press while AP engaged), engage (hold down when AP NOT engaged), and CWS mode (hold down when AP engaged).

I hope this helps.