
Well Known Member
After flying my buddy’s RV-8 with a Garmin EFIS and AOA I decided to put AOA in my -8. I have an AFS EFIS so I recently installed a Dynon heated AOA/Pitot tube to replace the heated pitot tube. I ran an additional AOA line back to the Adhars and everything is working well, sort of.

I calibrated the AOA per the AFS instructions and the EFIS AOA display is working perfectly. The problem is I have no AOA audio. Rob from AFS has been assisting but so far we haven’t found the issue. I’ve checked the main EFIS configuration and set the audio volume at 60% and hear all the warning audio including the “angle, angle, push”. I checked the AOA configuration menu to set the AOA volume to 100% and hear the AOA tones clearly in my headset. In flight- nothing, even though the AOA display works as advertised. Also tried messing with the volume controls in the Garmin GMA 245 intercom and the headset volume controls- still nothing.

My goal was to have the AOA tones to use on an approach. The AOA display is a bit too small in the EFIS and I’m looking outside mostly when landing so the display isn’t really in my crosscheck.

Am I missing something simple, perhaps another setting I have to turn on or enable somewhere else?
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Landing override airspeed

This is the airspeed when the audio shuts off so it does not run after landing. The default is 52kts. Set it too low and the stall audio will continue after landing, too high and you won’t get a stall warning.
AFS Audio

Hadn’t thought of an airspeed threshold. I didn’t see any discussion of that in the manual but I can go through the menus in the EFIS and check. I didn’t see that within the AOA configuration menu. I don’t know what mine is set for. Below is a picture of the screen but don’t see any airspeed threshold. I did see a landing warning override at the bottom (#18) but it’s set to a coefficient of pressure not airspeed. I’ll be at the hangar later today to do some troubleshooting and see if I can find it.

You guys might be onto something.

Do you have AFS or Dynon screens?

My full flap stall is 47 kts so if the system is set to the default 52 kts that might explain why there is no audio. During calibration I did the zero G maneuver then the stall +15% which equated to 55 kts and recorded both. I don’t have a flap position sensor installed yet but Rob says it will still work, just do a calibration with either flaps down or flaps up, I just won’t have the accurate donut in the middle for flap position. As I’ve seen in flight, the AOA appears to be working correctly at the right airspeeds. Further investigation is warranted and another excuse to go to the hangar!


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Line 6

Don't understand why you don't have a Line 6.

Actually it seems that this feature is your Line 18. But the unit is "psf"?????


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No AFS AOA audio


I’m curious about that as well since I have that line as number 18. It appears my line 18 should be at line 6 and be in knots. I tried selecting line 18 yesterday and I can change the value but it’s not in kts, it’s a coefficient of pressure so I strongly suspect this is the issue that needs to be changed so the threshold for enabling audio is reached. I’m sure Rob at AFS will figure it out and have a fix.
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No AOA audio

I did the big upgrade to version 16 but not sure if it’s the current 16.09.15 or a slightly earlier version 16. Seems like it should work regardless. Download the latest and try again perhaps?

As your screen is different than mine it suggests you are not on the current version. It seems like the easiest solution at this point.
Possible solution and may have broken the code. Evidently my AFS 5500 EFIS defaulted to the older AFS wing port AOA system. Rob sent me the latest and greatest software update that will allow my Dynon AOA/pitot to be used. Now my EFIS has the landing warning override line selectable in knots- it was in coefficient of pressure before. AFS also recommended changing the alert tone start bar from 18 to 16 to enable the tones at the right AOA.

I was able to set the value to 40 kts so it looks like I just need to go fly and hear those tones. My declutter segment is set to 8 and other folks have set theirs to 4 so not really sure of the advantages of either? See pic below, any showstoppers?

Thanks to all who chimed in with help- much appreciated. As always Rob at AFS rocks- service support is best in the industry in my book!

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Possible solution and may have broken the code. Evidently my AFS 5500 EFIS defaulted to the older AFS wing port AOA system. Rob sent me the latest and greatest software update that will allow my Dynon AOA/pitot to be used. Now my EFIS has the landing warning override line selectable in knots- it was in coefficient of pressure before. AFS also recommended changing the alert tone start bar from 18 to 16 to enable the tones at the right AOA.

I was able to set the value to 40 kts so it looks like I just need to go fly and hear those tones. My declutter segment is set to 8 and other folks have set theirs to 4 so not really sure of the advantages of either? See pic below, any showstoppers?

Thanks to all who chimed in with help- much appreciated. As always Rob at AFS rocks- service support is best in the industry in my book!

Could you post the software version number that Rob sent you? I'm kind of in the same boat in that my 5400 series EFIS with version 16 software does not allow for the wing port AOA that my AFS 4500 supported.
AFS EFIS latest update


I was in the opposite situation- I have a Dynon AOA/Pitot tube and couldn’t get it to work, evidently my older software would only work with the wing AOA ports.

From Rob, “ If you are using our AOA wing ports you will have a setting for Landing Override (psf) and 8.0 is the normal setting. If you are using the Dynon AOA Pitot tube you will have a setting for Landing Override (kts) and it should be set below your aircraft stall speed. You probably have old software.”

Best you contact AFS directly, they are great with tech support.
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